VIDEO: OE5HDX and OE5JFE activate the last two non-activated summits in OE/OO

Hello everyone,

This is a video adventure that - from my point of view - let’s you join a milestone in OE/OO association SOTA history. 17 years of SOTA in one of the most active SOTA communities here in OE5 and only two remote and difficult to access summits have not been activated so far.

The why:
From the east (Hinterstoder): more than 2000 m ascent. No watersource. No good bivy spot.
From the west (Gössl): about the same ascent. Long hike. Water at about 1550 m a.s.l, Good bivy spot

That sounds like a proper challenge to me.
And others had the same feeling. Activators like Christian OE5HCE, Gerhard OE5PGM and probably several others have made plans in the past but when I found out that Daniel OE5HDX was up to the challenge a plan came to existance.
Our idea was to give it a try in August or September whenever the WX allowed.

After some planning discussions Daniel went up on 6th of August to deposite a 7 liter water supply at our planned bivy place. Gear lists were made and already one week later the WX forecast was good enough although a chance of thunderstorms in summer is always there.

On a hot (31 °C in the valley) Saturday afternoon we started our hike to this epic adventure…
but see for yourself in the video.
Telling such a story is of course not done in 5 minutes so grab a drink, fasten your seatbelt and join us on your trip.


And some pictures of course too:
Day 1
At lake Grundlsee near Gössl

The activators at “Three lake lookout”

The alpine area on the way to our bivy place

Ready for the night

Day 2
The karst landscape. Some stone cairns still show the way

In the morning sunlight

First summit OE/OO-388 Großer Hochkasten, 2389m, reached after 3,5 h

Setting up for HF and VHF

Traverse over to Kleiner Hochkasten

Activation of OE/OO-441 Kleiner Hochkasten, 2352m, reached after 5,5 h

Daniel with KX2 working the pile-up

42 QSO , with 9 S2S
52 QSO , also with 9 S2S
all on 2m FM and 20m SSB
Thanks to the OE chasers and activators that were celebrating with us on the summit over radio.

Day 1: 12,5 km, 1050 m ascent, 5h 30 min incl. breaks
Day 2: 24,5 km, ~ 1350 m ascent (my watch ran out of battery), 14,5 h including activations and breaks and of course all the way down… :sweat:
Btw. GPX Track is on SOTAmaps

And watch the video till the end. You can see how incredibly lucky we have been.

Big thanks goes to Daniel for his great preparation work and teamwork. A dayhike to place the water stash :potable_water: :+1: was priceless for the second day.
We did both lead at times thru the barren karst landscape to find the best route and always kept the motivation up.

But the elefant in the room is… what is next :smiley:
In the S2S QSO with Gilbert OE2GXL I got the tip that OE/SB still has a lot of potential hi
Same goes for Styria OE/ST. So it is not getting boring.

Hope to hear you all soon.
73 Joe

P.S.: Daniel will hopefully add more infos from his point of view.


Awesome Joe hope you find some worthy targets for subsequent adventures :slight_smile:

73 Paul G4MD

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great achievement … congrats to both of you. after watching the video i feel a bit sad that i was not able to join you.

73 martin


My brief point of view: we were incredibly lucky not to lose any of the camera equipment. Otherwise we would need to hike up again for the glam shots :-D.

@OE5REO : be cautious what You wish for ;). hi
(Joke aside: yes, we should do a similar activation together!

The tour was awesome Joe, tnx to take a newbie like me to those radio adventures!


What a great adventure! Congratulations! So happy to be able to have a S2S QSO with you on both summits!

73, Sylvia


Hello Joe and Daniel. Thanks for a great video and seeing how you go about an activation. Take care and stay safe,

73 de Geoff vk3sq


When I saw your track starting from Grundlsee I thought that you must have bivied somewhere on the ascent. This trip looks very well planned and prepared with scouting a bivy place and placing a water stash (although I would have included a can of beer).

Congrats to both of you! There is still Feuertalberg, OE/ST-502 to snatch a spectacular first activation in the Totes Gebirge.

73 Heinz

EDIT: The video is great! One could really feel the fun you two were having.


That’s something for the next trip. It’s all about priority.

Feuertalberg via Temlberg is also on Daniels Todo list :thinking:
With Prielschutzhaus as basecamp that sounds also like a good hike - with beer supply :beer:

Looking forward to future activations as we talked today over radio. Christian has also a plan but not sure about the details.

73 Joe