VI10SOTA - Celebrating 10 years of SOTA in VK1.

Yesterday’s 20m LP conditions from Yellow Rabbit Hill VK1/AC-039 were amazing, 46 QSOs in total, 3 S2S with Spain, Wales and Japan. Most EU chasers were reporting RST 5-6 for at least 1 hour. :grinning:

It’s 6:30 am here now, I am heading out to activate VK1/AC-048 for a chance to work Matt VK/K0MOS/7 who has plans to activate VK7/SC-001.

I will complete a report on Yellow Rabbit Hill later today.

73, Andrew VK1AD for VI10SOTA

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VI10SOTA activation of Yellow Rabbit Hill for long path propagation on 20m.

I will keep this simple. LP conditions were brilliant and from my point of view 20m LP couldn’t have been better. This time the propagation appeared to center on Japan and central Europe, UK, France, Germany, Austria, Finland, Poland, Sweden and Greece.

My equipment: FT-857D at 25 watts, 20m Inverted V half wave dipole antenna with the apex at 7m AGL, battery 8.4Ah 4S LifePO4.

44 SQOs, 39 on 20m and 4 on 40m SSB. A huge thanks to all chasers and S2S contacts who made this activation a fun evening right up to sunset. I am very pleased to have shared VI10SOTA and VK1/AC-039 with all chasers. Edit: BTW, week day LP activations are IMHO the most rewarding with almost no conflict in frequency choices.

Long path opened at 0740 UTC and was still open, although weak, at 0900 UTC.
At first LP signals started out weak however propagation improved around 0800 UTC, thereafter EU chasers were reporting my RST up to 5-5 to 5-6 until 0850 UTC. After 0850 UTC signals started to fade, as expected.

To my surprise I worked the following activators S2S: Hiro @JG0AWE at JA/NN-232, then right at the close of LP conditions I heard two more requests for S2S. Thanks Alain @F5ODQ for the EA2 S2S at EA2/NV-174 and Neil @G0WPO for another surprise S2S this time at GW/NW-047.

Below is the VI10SOTA activator log.

VI10SOTA on VK1/AC-039 (Yellow Rabbit Hill), 16 Feb 2023

Time Callsign Band Mode Notes
07:21 VK2IO 40m SSB Gerard s59 r57
07:23 VK3PF 40m SSB Peter s59 r57
07:23 VK5CZ 40m SSB Ian s58 r43
07:29 VK1MA 40m SSB Matt s59 r59
07:35 VK1MA 20m SSB Matt s59 r59
07:37 ZL3MR 20m SSB John s59 r55
07:39 DL8DXL 20m SSB Fred s58 r33
07:40 SA4BLM 20m SSB Lars s59 r53
07:42 SP6KEP 20m SSB Club station s55 r42
07:47 VK4EHI 20m SSB Chris s57 r43
07:50 JG0AWE/0 20m SSB Hiro s41 r33 S2S JA/NN-232
07:51 SV3IEG 20m SSB Dinos s58 r55
07:53 ON7ZM 20m SSB Jean s58 r44
07:56 OE9HRV 20m SSB Herbert s57 r34
07:58 SV3IEG 20m SSB Dinos s58 r55
07:59 G4OBK 20m SSB Phil s58 r56
08:02 VK2DA 20m SSB Andrew s51 r51
08:05 G0RQL 20m SSB Don s58 r53
08:06 OE5YYN 20m SSB Sylvia s57 r44
08:09 SM5LNE 20m SSB Jan s55 r53
08:10 SV3IEG 20m SSB Dinos s58 r55
08:10 EA2DT 20m SSB Manuel s55 r44
08:14 F4WBN 20m SSB Chris s58 r56
08:15 DL5FU 20m SSB Wolf s57 r44
08:17 DL1ASA 20m SSB Thomas s58 r44
08:17 DL8DSL 20m SSB Michael s58 r55
08:19 OH6GAZ 20m SSB Juha s53 r51
08:20 DJ2MX 20m SSB Mario s58 r55
08:23 G4IPB 20m SSB Paul s52 r41
08:26 OE9HRV 20m SSB Herbert s58 r56
08:32 SP9JKL 20m SSB Jerzy s58 r44
08:33 7L4LKK 20m SSB Michio s58 r57
08:35 DL6MST 20m SSB Klaus s55 r52
08:36 SQ9MDF 20m SSB Leszek s55 r31
08:37 F4ILH 20m SSB Jean s58 r55
08:40 JH7GZF 20m SSB Toku s58 r55
08:41 M7CBI 20m SSB Dean s58 r55
08:48 IU5LBQ 20m SSB s58 r56
08:50 JA0OZZ 20m SSB Masakazu s57 r55
08:51 F4IOS 20m SSB Steph s58 r47
08:54 EA2/F5ODQ/P 20m SSB Alain s53 r53 S2S EA2/NV-174
08:56 JR8SGE 20m SSB Ken s57 r53
08:59 GW0WPO/P 20m SSB Neil s52 r57 S2S GW/NW-047
09:05 VK1MA 2m FM Matt s59 r59

The summit is one giant ant nest including bull ants which bite. It is not at all wise to sit on the ground therefore I carried a small fold out table, chair and my backpack to the summit. This is not a drive up or drive to summit. Yesterday was hot around the VK1/VK2 mountains which means horse flies or March flies as we call them in VK are very active in the heat. The female fly which bites and draws blood, loves nothing more than sensing a SOTA activator in the Aussie bush. :worried: To deal with the biting flies I applied a double-coating of DEET insect repellent, it wasn’t perfect but it prevented the bites. :slightly_smiling_face:

VI10SOTA shack


Last light

73, Andrew VK1AD for VI10SOTA


Great photos and story Andrew but unfortunately on your 23:00 activation AC-048 I just could not hear your signal on any bands. Propagation to your area was not playing today as I was able to work everyone else in VK on summits and several JA ops as well on the higher bands. Thanks for the heads up on a Spot as well and I did hear some of your chasers but that’s the way it goes sometimes.
Ian vk5cz.


Well I never expected that Andrew. Set up on Mwdwl-Eithin GW/NW-047, turned the rig on, which was already on 14.315 from my last outing and there you were loud and clear calling CQ just before closing down. Gobsmacked when I got you in the log.



Hi Andrew,
Thank you fer DX S2S.
Your sig was Not strong (as mine), but I tried and made it to Log in.
I was so excited!

Rig: KX2(10W!!)
Ant: EFHW(From K6ARK)
Temp: -5 degrees Celsius = 23F

de JG0AWE / Hiro WAKA


So pleased to get you in the log! Thank you so much for the contact!

73, Sylvia


On Thursday 23 Feb I plan to activate Mt Taylor VK1/AC-037 using VI10SOTA for 20m LP propagation. Alert posted for 0730 UTC, sunset is @ 0850 UTC.

Mt Taylor

73, Andrew VK1AD for VI10SOTA


Apologies, I am postponing this activation for a week. I will plan an activation for Thursday 2 March.

73, Andrew VK1AD for VI10SOTA

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VI10SOTA at Black Mountain VK1/AC-042

20m LP conditions are not as good as a fortnight ago.

It was a great pleasure to work special callsign EG4GURU.

S2S: Herbert OE9HRV on OE/VB-494

Black Mountain (January 2023)



VI10SOTA log for Black Mountain VK1/AC-042, 2 March 2023

I’m guessing 20m LP conditions were in ‘recovery’ mode following the previous two days of strong CME geomagnetic interference.

Long path propagation was open at 0740 and later faded away after 0832 UTC, 10 minutes before VK1 sunset at 0845 UTC.

Thanks Herbert OE9HRV for the opportunity to complete a S2S between VK1 and OE9. :smile:

Also a great privileged to work EG4GURU (Alf EA4R) special event station in honour of Guru.

Date:02/03/2023 | Summit:VK1/AC-042 (Black Mountain) | Callsign:VI10SOTA

07:24 VK2IO 7MHz SSB Gerard s59 r59
07:26 VK4KTW 7MHz SSB Kelly s59 r45
07:28 VK5BJE 7MHz SSB John s58 r53
07:32 VK1AO 7MHz SSB Alan s59 r57
07:33 VK2MET 7MHz SSB Alan s59 r57
07:33 VK3PF 7MHz SSB Peter s59 r59
07:34 VK3IH 7MHz SSB Paul s59 r55
07:35 ZL2ATH 7MHz SSB Wynne s58 r32
07:36 VK5AYL 7MHz SSB Sue s59 r57
07:36 VK2GMC 7MHz SSB Greg s59 r53
07:48 OE9HRV/P 14MHz SSB Herbert s56 r53 S2S OE/VB-494
07:50 OE9RBJ 14MHz SSB Reinhard s57 r42
07:55 F4WBN 14MHz SSB Chris s59 r57
07:56 SA4BLM 14MHz SSB Lars s59 r53
07:57 ZL2AJ 14MHz SSB Warren s59 r57
07:58 ON7ZM 14MHz SSB Jean s58 r44
08:01 VK6XL 14MHz SSB Allen s59 r57
08:03 VK4ABH 14MHz SSB David s58 r58
08:05 EG4GURU 14MHz SSB s58 r51 Alf EA4R
08:06 IW2BNA 14MHz SSB Walter s57 r53
08:08 ZL4NVW 14MHz SSB Matt s58 r58
08:10 OK2PDT 14MHz SSB Jan s58 r33
08:17 OE9HRV/P 14MHz SSB Herbert s55 r32 S2S OE/VB-494
08:26 G4OBK 14MHz SSB Phil s58 r55
08:27 G4OBK 14MHz SSB Phil s58 r55
08:29 SM5LNE 14MHz SSB Jan s56 r54
08:30 G3VXJ 14MHz SSB Bob s55 r53
08:32 DL3HXX 14MHz SSB Lothar s55 r32
08:36 VK2DA 14MHz SSB Andrew s55 r53

Map courtesy of SOTA MAPS

73, Andrew VK1AD for VI10SOTA


Andrew…my antenna was towards PY…That’s where I got your best signal…my locator is IM89AT
Is PY the LP to VK? I don’t think so…
73 de EA4R Alf

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LP is over South America.

Andrew VK1AD

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3 March 2023 - Report update on VI10SOTA since 1 Jan 23.

Total QSOs: 317
Total DX QSOs: 152 (48%)
DX QSO modes: SSB (133) and CW (19)
DX QSOs by band: 15m (15), 20m (136) and 40m (1)
DX S2S QSOs: 14
DX special event stations worked: DL20SOTA and EG4GURU

9 activations from 7 unique summits; Black Mountain, Isaacs Ridge, Mt Taylor, Mt Ainslie, Mt McDonald, Mt Stromlo, and Yellow Rabbit Hill

Most active DX chasers: F4WBN (6), SA4BLM (6), ZL3MR (6), G4OBK (5), JG0AWE (5), SM5LNE (5) and ZL1SKL (5)

Activators: Wade VK1MIC, Andrew VK1DA and Andrew VK1AD

73, Andrew VK1AD for VI10SOTA


Hi Alf - you have one of the best long path tracks into VK that I have seen - most of the route is over water (which loses less signal on the “bounces” when compared to over land). You just skim the top of South America - take a look as the map below which I created by moving the sending and receiving stations on the VOACAP site at VOACAP Online for Ham Radio

73 Ed DD5LP.


Ed, tnx for the info and map!

Yes, I usually listen to VK well because of the LP, even Japan

73 de EA4R Alf

My next outing with VI10SOTA will be on Saturday 1 April where I plan to operate from Mt Ginini VK1/AC-008 1760m ASL, for the day. That’s 2230 UTC 31/3 to 0800 UTC 01/04.

I’m hoping for a sunny day and calm winds :blush:, which is not always the case at Mt Ginini.

73 Andrew VK1AD


The 1st of April is also the QRPTTF/SOTA UK/EU-VK/ZL/JA S2S day, so perhaps you’ll get some calls from over here.
Today both space and terrestrial weather seem to be “sub-par” so hopefully, it will improve soon otherwise next Saturday we’ll all look like April Fools!

73 Ed.

Correction: the QRPTTF event coincides with the EU-NA S2S event on April 22nd, not the VK/ZL/JA-EU one.

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Trust your instincts and look for the positives :slightly_smiling_face:

1April 2023 EU LP on 14 MHz - 62 QSOs and 23 S2S.


Considering the conditions were not nearly as good as they had been a week earlier (see others reports in the thread on the VK-EU S2S event) - you did very well Andrew. I suspect you might have the record for the number of S2S contacts on the day.

The bands above 20m were closed it seems as the Kp Index was so high following the CME/Plasma hits over the previous few days.

I’m surprised not to see more Greyline activity (10MHz and lower frequencies) at the moment but it seems Long Path on 20m and up is the preferred option at the moment.

73 Ed.


My first activation started at 03:00 utc.
14 QSO with 3 S2S.
VK3TST on VK4/SE-120 21 mhz ssb was the longest haul S2S
WW7D JH1MXV JA1VVH on 28 mhz cw.
The Rest vk’s
Second activation started at 06:31 utc.
36 QSO with 12 S2S.
1 VK 6 EU 5 JA S2S.
Maybe could have been more but the QRM from constant callers on top of me and the station I was trying to work I may have missed some S2S.
Was on air 1 hour 18 minutes. Needed lights on driving from the farmers property so could not have stayed much longer.
Ian vk5cz …