Hi all,
I am not a very active activator, but I can share my little experience in VHF SOTA.
I started with a Baofeng GT-3-TP (7 watts) I was able to make a few QSOs over distances of 30 to 40km.
Things got complicated on summits where there were communication towers!
On the other hand on summits without QRM like F/MC-024 (Mont Mouchet 1497m) with a 360° view was possible to work 2 stations between 90 and 100km with the Baofeng + 5/8° telescopic antenna.
And on a summit like F/CR-220 (Mont Bouquet 629m) with at least 3 towers (communications and TV) I worked only 1 station at 25km while many stations were calling me including F5LKW/P who was on F/CR-204 at 139km, that’s how Roger received me!
After these disappointing results, I searched through my old boxes for an old Icom IC-2GAT that I had acquired in Cambodia in 1993 during a 6-month stint there as a Blue Helmet (I was XU5DX). I put a new battery in it (13.8v give 7w) and now I got an anvil but is working nicely.
Here you can compare his size vs an AnyTone AT-878UV2+.
The result:
I used this TX (with an RH-770) again on the F/CR-220 last May, I was able to QSO 6 stations (25 to 40km) and another at 80km without QRM. Something I couldn’t have done with a Baofeng!
73, Éric