VGC VR-N76 newish HT

Has anyone seen or even better tried a Chinese HT VR-N76 made by VGC (Verotelecom)

It is a 5W dual-band HT with APRS which uses Bluetooth to connect with the HT app on your phone (mine is Android and it does work). APRS on 2M does work as long as your are in range of a digipeater/iGate. The one smart thing with this radio is because it is connected to your phone you can use it as an iGate. The APRS beaconing works, however sending messages such as to APRS2SOTA is problematic as there isn’t a blinding obvious way to do this on the app. I tried it on the radio but it is a bit of a faff, and the message did not appear to be sent to its destination, in fact, it is probably easier to send a message on my FT5D. Seeing as the radio did connect to the app on my phone via BT I thought I would give APRSdroid ago, and no it wouldn’t connect as once again there was a BT socket error.

Going back to the radio you can program 16 channels via 16 banks which should be more than enough. You can also use Winlink with it, so I have seen on a YouTube channel from the US.

Available from Lynchy or Ali Express

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