Very scary and dangerous!!!

Just found this spot on SOTAwatch. See the comment from Dave @N0DET

I hope Dave will make it home safe and sound.
Please, let us know when you had a chance.
Good luck!



Ha ā€“ surprised to see I made the headlines!

Yes, Iā€™m home now! I was able to pack up in 10 minutes and I ran much of the way down ā€“ took 50 minutes up, only 25 minutes down! The small storm developed suddenly, but was still a few miles away as far as I could tell ā€“ but that was just a precursor of what was to come. Driving home, I saw some powerful cloud to ground lightning in the area ā€“ which confirmed my decision to call it a day!

I worked George, KX0R, S2S ā€“ he was on a summit about 40 miles south of me. Now that Iā€™m home, I hear he is still on! Checking the weather radar, heā€™s apparently still in the clearā€¦.

This is the 3rd time Iā€™ve had to cut short an activation due to lightning in the past 2 months. Weā€™ve had an unusual spring/summer with a lot of moisture along the front range of the Rockies, so more t-storms than usual. This usual afternoon phenomenon started really early today ā€“ the first rumbles up there were at 10:30 am ā€“ early!!

Castle Mtn is short but very steep ā€“ and less than an hour from home. Still, I got about an hour of qsos on the summit ā€“ a good day!

Live to SOTA another day! :wink:



Glad to see you made it down safely. I did a lot of late afternoon activations last summer and can attest to the ferocity of lightning in Colorado. I had to bail on West White Pine mountain after activating East White Pine. The air was full of ā€œchargeā€ on that mountain with lightning hitting scary close. That one still bothers me and Iā€™ll be back! Looking forward to working Colorado againā€¦soon!


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Hi Dave,
Thank you very much for your feedback. Iā€™m very happy that you escaped safely from that risky and scary situation.



Not fun. Iā€™ve done section hikes on the Appalachian Trail where you donā€™t have the luxury of bailing off a mountain. You get into the ā€œlightning positionā€ and pray. :slight_smile: If youā€™re lucky, you will be near a shelter where you can get in shoulder to shoulder with 30 or so of your new closest friends.


Sota certainly can be dangerous.

I was activating in the Wyoming/Colorado are mid 2017 with Guy N7UN.

As was our usual process, we shared a single station. Iā€™d start on HF SSB and heā€™d close with HF CW.

We could see a storm crossing a valley toward us. My activation was quick and Guyā€™s was lingering longer.

Storm gets closer and Iā€™m a little concerned.

When Guyā€™s headphones delivered a static shock to him, we packed in what seemed like a nano second and scarpered down the mountain and into the storm in an effort to get to our car post haste.

We made it fine and Iā€™m sure many who activate in CO regularly in the summer will share lightening is a real occupational hazard.


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Yes, Iā€™ve made 2 quick activations while getting electric discharges on my ears through the earbuds. Scary and a bit crazy tooā€¦

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In my very early days of SOTA when I was a bit of an idiot (newly licensed, clueless kid in my early 20ā€™s who didnā€™t really know what they were doing) I activated a SOTA summit here in the UKā€¦I canā€™t for the life of me remember which summit it was.

I was quite happily making contacts on 2m FM when I noticed a regular ā€œpopā€ sound every couple of seconds. The sky had suddenly become very dark. I guessed that it must be static in the air.

I promptly finished the QSO & disconnected the coax from the radio. I then realised a constant regular clicking sound, which initially had me confused as the radio was disconnectedā€¦then the penny dropped!

I pulled one of the guy pegs out of the ground & literally let the (aluminium telescopic) mast fall over. I collapsed the aluminium mast, stuffed everything in my bag & ran down the hill back to the car.

I was probably about 2-3 minutes from the car when I turned around to see a bolt of lightning hit the ground on (or at least very near) the hill where I had been just a few minutes before.

Thatā€™s probably the closest to death I have ever come while on a SOTA activation!