VE7/NO-020 Nanoose Hill

Nanoose Hill summit was really easy to get to. Nice large parking lot at the bottom and a quick hike to the top.

Easy enough hike that I decided to lug up my ancient laptop and FT-891 to do a digital activation.

Setup a quarter wave vertical with 1 elevated radial. Passerby asked me if I was fishing. I told him it’s an antenna for amateur radio and that was enough to scare him off :slight_smile: Saw a handful of people on the way up and down. I feel on a nice day it is probably a very popular place.

Started out on FT8 and got a handful of contacts pretty quickly. VE7JH in the log book again which is always good (Thanks Gabor!).

Also had a QSO with Japan (JA3FYC) which is always a bit exciting.

Went over to FT4 and called CQ for a bit but didn’t get any bites which was a little surprising. I find FT4 is usually good for a handful of quick QSOs but not today.

This summit is also within a POTA park (VE-0060) so I decided to call “CQ POTA” back on FT8 and got a mini pileup right away with 3-4 stations responding at once.

Was aiming to get at least 10 QSOs so it would qualify as a POTA activation and at 11 decided to call it a day.

Was thinking about also activating nearby Cottle Hill (VE7/NO-021) which looks to also be a relatively easy hike but had to run a few errands in the area and wasn’t going to have enough time. Will save it for another day.


Thanks Bill, great report and photos. Well done :+1:

cheers, Geoff vk3sq :beers:

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