VE6/HC-015. Grotto Mountain 8876ft 6 points

I think there is possibly only one worse thing than forgetting your camera when climbing 1,425m (4,674 ft) up a 2,706m (8,876 ft), VE6/HC-015 (6 points) peak on a glorious day (there was a brief, mellow hail/rain storm on the way down) with spectacular views, narrow ridges with double drop offs in excess of 4000ft and that is carrying a camera with no SD CARD :frowning:
Sorry no photos for my #12 SOTA Summit, but really truly I was there… My GPS does not lie?

In reply to VA6MCB:
Hi Walker - never a good thing forgetting camera or indeed film (an new version of an SD Card (:>).

Anyhoo - this one looks good Grotto Mountain, Canmore, Alberta 360 Panorama | 360Cities

Possibly with the same Wx?


Jack (;>J

PS; Walker - both your christian and surname looks like they have a good Scottish heritage?

PPS - Canmore - great place for x-country skiing and curling. XYL and myself thoroughly enjoyed it.

In reply to GM4COX:
Yes Jack I grew up not too far from you in Coatbridge. I don’t have experience with curling (or Whisky), my only Scottish residue is my accent (although my sister now claims I sound more American than Scottish?) but Canmore is super awesome both summer & winter, the same ski trails make popular MTB trails in the summer.
Then there are the mountains… As Association Manager for Alberta VE6, I am working on a major revision of VE6 SOTA +1200 peaks, its a slow process, however the biggest SOTA challenge is the lack of chasers in VE6.,There is only one (VA6FUN) and I can only reach him on 40m imagine being in an area 2.7x the size of UK with only one chaser! So many thanks to our American and Québécois NASOTA for their diligence in digging me out of the QSB mud.

Great 360 image FYI the summit cairn has been modified but there is still a summit log in a sealed black tube.

In reply to VA6MCB:
You’re very welcome.

What would I give to have your scenic places instead of our old eastern hills…