Use of VHF repeaters to make initial contacts

I’ve tried searching on this, but to no avail.

If I am on a fairly remote, but high, summit and I can’t get a contact or enough contacts to qualify the summit, can I try to get a contact through a repeater that I may be able to reach, then ask that station if they will try to make a contact simplex.

If we do manage a simplex contact then does it count?

I recognise that the majority of people who could make the contact through the repeater would not be able to do so simplex. So I may be wasting my time and theirs.

I’m only thinking about when you are stuck on 2 or 3 contacts and just need to get one more.

And yes, before any one asks, I know I might be better off with HF or CW, but I often want to complete the activation on FM.


In reply to 2W0GDA:
No problem with asking folk to QSY for a simplex contact. In the early days of SOTA it was a common technique.

In reply to 2W0GDA:

If we do manage a simplex contact then does it count?
Why not? Self spots on SOTAWatch are also via a kind of repeater thinking of the many hops the data does in the internet.

I recognise that the majority of people who could make the contact
through the repeater would not be able to do so simplex. So I may be
wasting my time and theirs.
Listening on the repeater input frequency during the QSO via repeater gives a first hint and can be done in a second if your rig has a “reverse function”. Often asking the other station is even more effective: They can turn their beam in your direction, increase power, use another band etc.

And yes, before any one asks, I know I might be better off with HF or
CW, but I often want to complete the activation on FM.
I can understand this very well.

73 de Michael, DB7MM

In reply to DB7MM:
Thanks both.

Thought it would be OK, but just thought I’d check.

Off to GM land at Easter. I’ll be Corbett bagging, staying in Ballachulish

Not many repeaters either, but it might just give me the edge.


In reply to DB7MM:

Listening on the repeater input frequency during the QSO via repeater
gives a first hint and can be done in a second if your rig has a
“reverse function”. Often asking the other station is even more
effective: They can turn their beam in your direction, increase power,
use another band etc.
Great tips. Thanks!


In reply to 2W0GDA:

“Off to GM land at Easter. I’ll be Corbett bagging, staying in Ballachulish”

I’ll be in the Borders Gerald, I shall have 2m fm kit and listen for 2M0GDA, a s2s would be nice.

I did my RAF climbing course from Ballachulish, nice spot.



In reply to MM0GYX:
Ah, the JSMTC! I know a few people who have been there.

I’ll try to put some alerts out - S2S would indeed be good.


In reply to 2W0GDA

That’s the one, a guy called Andy Nelson was the instructor, great guy, I remember him making sure I was ok to lead a vdiff, by soloing the route next to me to watch my gear placements. He was on tv not long back under sad circumstances, I guess you’ll probably know him.


In reply to MM0GYX:
I know of Andy, rather than knowing him personally.

Think he’s in Glencoe MRT and a Guide. I could look that up but sometimes I just like to use my memory occasionally.

Glencoe (and Cairngorm) MRT have had a rough old time lately.


In reply to 2W0GDA:
Hi Gerald,
My understanding of it: How you ‘plan’ or ‘enable’ the QSO is irrelevant, so long as it takes place directly between you and the chaser (apart from amateur satellites). I have done this twice. Once from Suilven to drum up support for Top Band via GB3SS and once from one of the Mell Fells, I think via GB3EV, to get the required four contacts on 2m simplex. It worked both times.
73, John.

In reply to G4YSS:

so long as it takes place directly between you and the
chaser (apart from amateur satellites).

Err… an amateur satellite is a repeater (or a linear transponder, which amounts to the same thing).

Now, an EME contact is a direct contact, it’s just reflecting the signal from a natural body in the same way that troppo contacts are, so I think they ought to be allowed for SOTA. Anyone who lugs enough kit up a hill to manage an EME contact deserves the points IMHO.

Yes, I’ve used repeaters to request simplex contacts, sometimes it’s the only way to finish an activation.

Colin G8TMV

In reply to G8TMV:

Err… an amateur satellite is a repeater

Yes, but it isn’t a terrestrial repeater.


In reply to G8TMV:

Some time ago the MT decided to permit satellite contacts because there was more skill to using a satellite than there is to using a terrestrial repeater. I know it looks like an anomaly, and personally I’m not entirely comfortable with it, but that is the situation.


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:

Some time ago the MT decided to permit satellite contacts because
there was more skill to using a satellite than there is to using a
terrestrial repeater.

Ah, I hadn’t realised that.

On a slightly similar subject, has anyone managed a contact with the ISS while on an activation? It would be cool if someone on the ISS gained a Mountain Hunter Certificate :wink:

Or perhaps the ISS counts as a summit since it’s pretty high up

Colin G8TMV

I notice that I am fielding lots of questions from lots of people - some online, but mainly face-to-face - at present on elements of the rules that have been in place for over a decade. For instance I had a recent discussion with someone who is a regular chaser, but had no idea how activator points were awarded, how often, how many QSOs etc.

Just a reminder therefore, for anyone that hasn’t seen it (or didn’t realise it was there) that the SOTA General Rules can be found on the main website. Just click on the “Website” link above.


In reply to M1EYP:

Interesting comment, Tom.

During activations I am often told “I thought I would give you a point.” Clearly not everyone understands that after the first four it’s only the activator giving the points away :slight_smile:

Fortunately the four QSO rule seems quite well recognized and we often get the comment “I don’t do SOTA but I know you need another contact.” This may be self-defence in getting me clear of the calling channel; whatever the motivation I am happy.

We have been using repeaters to invite contacts ever since we started. Success rate varies a lot, but many people are very good and check the input before declining.
