It is possible to print the SOTA logo on t-shirts (or other objects) in a very limited number to give as gifts (not to sell) for example to those who participate in a challenge (ex: whoever activates the next 10 references that have never been activated first) .
Are there any constraints or an authorization path to take?
I believe the MT are fine with this because it is not for profit and will publicise SOTA in a positive way.
Hi Fraser
the purpose is exactly what you said
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There is normally no problem if the use is promotional and nobody is making a profit.
Just for completeness, can you drop a note about your plans to the MT using the Contact SOTA link (top of this page) so we have a record of your plans and don’t have to go search this website to find out what is happening.
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Interesting challenge… I have already activated 14 summits in Italy, that have never been activated before…
I hope you will write more about it in the reflector when the time comes.
73 Armin
I will do it with great pleasure.
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Hi Armin,
you are a Super activator of Tuscan references. Congratulations !!
I’m working on the data and I see that you’ve been on many peaks:
I/TO-010 Monte Amiata
I/TO-099 Rocca di Radicofani
I/TO-124 I Poggiardelli
I/TO-126 Poggio di Rugliana
I/TO-131 Garbina
I/TO-142 Poggio Cornocchio
I/TO-148 Podere Covivale
I/TO-161 Volterra
I/TO-169 Romitorio
Certainly when I have more descriptive material I will write on the reflector.
I am following the initiatives you propose with interest, I think they could also be applied to other regions
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Ciao Roberto,
I proposed it in the last meeting of the Italian SOTA Regional Managers (coordinated by the Italian SOTA Manager IW0HK Andrea) and I’m preparing a demo to present.
As soon as I have more information I will definitely let you know
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Maybe it is because i love Super Tuscan
73 Armin