Update on Colin G4UXH

A lot of SOTA chasers/Activators have been asking me ref Colin G4UXH who was admitted to hospital five weeks ago, just to let you know Colin is on the mend and doing well after is operation last week, he is now taking solids so that is a good thing so he can now concentrate on building his strength back up for getting back on the fells but this will take time and he just can not wait to get back to activating, he dose not know when he will be going home but hope this will be soon as the big hotel is getting boring for him, he has his lap top so is keeping an eye on all what is going on in the SOTA world and missing out on chasing all the activators as well, ok will keep you all posted ref Colin.


Hi Terry,

Many thanks for the update.

Colin, get well and out of there soon we want you back :slight_smile: Don’t let them try to cure the SOTA addiction…

73 de Paul G4MD

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Very best wishes from Vicki, M6BWA, and Rod

Thanks for the update Terry.

Colin, here’s to a quick recovery!


PS Curing the SOTA addiction, Paul? Good luck with that!

Get well soon Colin! Glad to hear you are on the mend. Looking forward to hearing you again soon

73 Gerald

Cheers Terry,

Colin, will be listening to you working the early morning SOTA DX, when you’re back in the saddle.

Get well soon…

73 Mike

Thanks for update Terry,we all wish him well and look forward to hearing him back on the hills activating and chasing.73 Don.G0RQL.

Get well soon colin look forward to working you
73’s Alan

I’d heard that Colin was not too well, so thanks for the update Terry. It’s good to know there is an improvement and that Colin is keen to get out activating again.

Hi Terry, thanks for he update on Colin. I was making enquiries about him at Newark and hadn’t realised he was ill until then. It’s good to hear he is making progress and hopefully he will get home in the near future and back to some radio operating.

If you read this Colin, get well soon.


Victor GI4ONL

Hi Colin

Get well soon as we’ve all missed you on the bands and thanks to you Terry for the update.

73 de

Allan GW4VPX

Hello Colin (thanks Terry),
I did not know you had been unwell but did notice that I had not heard you around for awhile - now explained.
I wish you a speedy recovery.
All the best.

Get well soon Colin

Thanks, Terry, for making us aware of Colin’s situation.
I also wish you a very good and quick recovery.
I’ll be looking forward to hearing Golf four United X-ray Hotel on the chasing pile-ups soon.
Best 73 de Guru - EA2IF

Best wishes for a speedy recovery Colin and thanks to you Terry for the update. As Paul (G4MD) has said, we want you back - back in the shack, fit and well and then at the appropriate time, out on them thar fells!

Vy 73, Gerald G4OIG

Sorry to say this but I have talked to Heather (M6UXH) Colin’s XYL this morning, he was taken into the Intensive care unit yesterday afternoon as he had difficulty breathing, he is on oxygen and they think he may have pneumonia as with all the treatment that he has had in the past his immune system is nil, he is stable.
I will be talking to Heather tonight after she has been to see him and I will keep you all informed ref how he is going on, again so sorry to give you this bad new as he is a very good friend of mine.


Thanks for the update Terry.

Very best wishes to Colin for a speedy recovery.

Best 73,

Mark G0VOF

Oh gosh, hope he is on the mend soon. Sounds like he’s now rather poorly.

Fingers crossed for a quick return to good health.

73 Gerald

I talked Heather last night when she came back from the hospital and Colin is a lot better now, he had fluid in his lungs they cleared that and is a lot better but still in ITC and is been checked every hour and hopes to be back on his normal ward in the next few days if things go well.


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