Up late

Sorry to everyone who was expecting me to be up a small hump in Wales, Well when you get up late 08-45 there is no need to go rushing to wales for 9-00am start to walk up Snowdon, So we have now changed our minds and doing NP-10 Pen-y-ghent in stead around 13-00,
Steve m0sgb

In reply to M0SGB:
Right like i said early on this morning, The alarm clock did not go off at 5-00am as planned. We where looking forward to doing NW-001 Snowdon this morning as the weather was predicated for sunny nice wx, But with alarm not going off and jumping out of bed at 8-40am. We had a chat while having a brew, Go on then NP-010 Pen-y-ghent was to be the one. We arrived at Horton-in-Ribblesdale Carpark £3-20 paid, Walking gear on and up the footpath oppisite the cafe. We carried on till arrived at the gate for Hull-Pot, When the weather started to change (cold), At the point where the path turns right (doubles back), It got colder & colder very breezy at one point it blow Angela off her feet. At the top it was too cold for the soup (sorry Tom), So out came the radio and 6 qso’s within 10 minuetes was made First up was G4BLH,Followed by M3LIU, GW0DSP, G4FQW, M0XLT and M0LMP who said he was looking at doing Pen-y-ghent today, But it was cold in Clitheroe, Your right Lee it was warm hi hi. A few photo’s where taken and put on (www.flickr.com) as soon as uploaded, Doubled back down the path as soon as we could back to the warmth, In the car for 16-30gmt. Small slowly drive back to Bolton where its lovely and warm in front of the fire hi hi.
Thanks to all who where worked, and sorry those who never heard me,

Steve m0sgb

In reply to M0SGB:
HI Steve

Sounds like you had a nithering northerly day up Peny. You were just breaking the squelch in the Vale of Pickering on 145.475, but too weak to read anything on my little log periodic antenna. I bet you appreciated getting back home in front of the fire.

It’s been quite a good day for SOTA activity after a very quiet week.

73 Phil

In reply to G4OBK:
Hi Phil g4obk did give a few calls out on 145-450 & 145-475, but sadly never heard you or any other stations after i had the 6 qso’s with the above.

Just uploaded 8 photo’s on Summits on the air pool (www.flickr.com)

Steve m0sgb

In reply to G4OBK:

It was good to get you in the log again Steve, first time for ages. Hope you and Angela enjoyed the day out.


In reply to GW0DSP:
yes Mick, Nice to have had the qso with you. And nice to be out again after a long time, I have always had a radio with me when going up these hills, as for the dales i LOVE em!

Steve m0sgb