Hello folks thanks for all the nice DX the last few activations during my afternoon time.
Today one of the chasing stations sent the call sign CR9K.
It was sent at around 35WPM sounded like a computer sending the CW.
No issue with the speed I handled it and the station sent it about 3 times anyhow.
My great surprise to hear such a call sign stumped me to start out as I was wondering who it was. So my Question to the learned reflector mob is such a call sign right ? I could not get much sense from QRZ.com. I have logged it so if anyone is any the wiser and its not legit I can delete it. I wish apologies to the sender of such nice fast CW I am not questioning your integrity if there is such a call sign for maybe a rare country.
Ian vk5cz …
CR9K is likely to be Portugal I imagine Ian, although Madeira is a possibility. One of the Portuguese operators is likely to be surer than I am. Although the four CR3 stations I have worked in the past have all been Madeira. However, CT9 is the visitors prefix for Madeira / Porta Santo!
Conditions were pretty good to VK from Europe this morning. Chasing myself earlier on today I heard a few VK chasers working EU stations on 20m at good strength.
73 Phil G4OBK
CR3 and 9 are given as Madeira in the RSGB Prefix Guide.
Hi Ian
Thanks for the contact earlier. As Joe said I suspect it was CR6K. Its the WAE Contest this weekend so its super busy. WAE Worked all Europe Contest.
John VK6NU
Perhaps Cristiano Ronaldo has taken up the hobby now that he’s getting to the end of his career.
Do we need someone diving to the ground or bursting into tears if he doesn’t work the DX first call?
Just out of bed Sunday here.
OK thanks for the information, I might take the call I entered in the log out, who ever it was as they can still log the chase if desired.
Just trusting my instincts on the copy but unfortunately I can’t run the contact through my old brain anymore just in case it was a 6 and not a 9.
thanks for the help.
Ian vk5cz …
Hi Ian,
Nice signal from you yesterday on 40m. Unfortunately it was getting too chilly up on the summit, maybe 5C so we just packed up at about 3pm local or 0500 just when the LP sigs might have been turning up. 35 contacts mixed between 10m and 40. The JAs were good signals ie >s1 and some were true s7. Nothing from ZL or W, sadly.
Was good to be up in the hills, courtesy of Vk1AD, the forest trails were reasonably dry and no hint of trouble. Parks NSW had no closures listed on the website but the road to our planned summit was closed. Fortunately there was still another option. Due to reopen on 1st Sept so we will try again then.
73 Andrew VK1DA/VK2DA
Gday Andrew was good to work you from home before I headed to the hill.
The wx was so nice yesterday I did not take a jumper to the summit but I was regretting it after a while once I cooled down from the hike. Lots DX lately and pity I could not bust the pile ups for a couple S2S in EU and a POTA on the beach in UK. I have been running a smaller 3S LiPo and the kx3 was a bit low on power by the end of the activation as it run out of steam. But got 30 QSO with 25 in the log with a few double ups and stations giving me more than 1 call sign so just entered each call once per mode. Like to keep the CW QSO numbers highest. Did an amazing activity today with AREG they launched a balloon from Auburn where you stayed. I went out with the tracking team north of Clare and watched all the tech those guys use to track the balloon. Bit more involved than SOTA kit out portable and they need to drive around and recover the payload as well once it bursts for re entery.
Cheers mate
Regards all
vk5cz …
CR6K was spotted by two skimmers in VK at 0610z and 0617z yesterday, operating on 14.029MHz CW @ 36wpm.
“CR9K” was not spotted at all, ever.
I have always wondered which station I would have if I had that money
Or…the other way around, I always ask myself "How is that possible, he could have the dream shack and he even isn’t an ham radio operator "…
Thanks Tom I scratched the call out of my log because I miss copied it.
Who ever it was who called me can log me if they want as a chase.
no biggy.
CZ …