unknown callsign verified

I’ve just looked that transceiver up — Now I know why you said it was doing well!! :laughing:

You may have already been made aware, but if newcomers continue to rely on the built in decoder, there’s the real possibility that it will end up being a crutch that you cannot do without. You’ll come across hams who cannot send good enough morse for a decoder to read…

Good luck. There’s plenty of good CW ops on here if you need them.


Thanks Dave,

I totally agree, so my CW practice continues with an app, Kanga FMT tutor, and face to face training at my local club…



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I also recommend Morse Runner on Windows, Ditto CW on Android and Ham Morse on iPhone (iOS). Practice a little and often, e.g. 10-15 minutes, three times a week. Any more and you probably won’t stick to it.


Morsle is a great app…

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…and quite possibly a few who will deliberately send Morse timed so irregularly that a decoder doesn’t stand a chance…

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