Unexpected problems DM/BW-195

Today I was travelling with the family and we wanted to “quickly” activate the DM/BW-195, the Zundelberg, on the way to our destination. When we arrived at the top of the AZ, everything was set up. Shortly afterwards I noticed some problems with my new tuner. I couldn’t tune my long wire properly. I therefore did some “fast” band hopping to get my QSOs full. I am sorry for the many chasers I could not hear and record. The troubleshooting begins and next time it should work better. Thanks for your understanding.

73 Marcel DM3FAM


Hello Marcel,
sorry to read about your problems with the new antenna tuner. I thought something was wrong when I listened on your spotted frequency and couldn’t hear a beep. Instead I heard several “?” or “FAM ?”
Thanks for the QSO! I’m glad you were able to make enough contacts to get the points.
Now good luck with the troubleshooting!
73, Roman