Well done Martin @DK3IT and Ondra @OK1CDJ.
I bought 4 and very happy with testing so far.
73 de Pedro, CT1DBS/CU3HF
Well done Martin @DK3IT and Ondra @OK1CDJ.
I bought 4 and very happy with testing so far.
73 de Pedro, CT1DBS/CU3HF
Hi Martin
I ordered the kit from Hamshop for about three weeks. It is the perfect accessory for the Monutain Topper MTR3!
Many thanks to Martin and Hamshop!!!
vy 73 de Matt HB9FVF
Can you please post the link?
Hi Barry
is already above but:
vy 73 de Matt HB9FVF
Thanks Matt!
Actually that link also comes up in Czech until you click on the Union Jack flag at the top right of the screen.
73 Ed.
Mounted a tinySWR in my MTR3 the same way…
I couple this with an EFHW tuner built into a dental floss case. Also visible are the two posts which serve as the paddle of a built-in touch keyer. I log using a small card clipped to the back of the radio. In this way sitting down (usually not a good idea) isn’t necessary. A tethered spacepen (stores in an attached soda straw) serves as writing instrument.
The Mouser list has 3 components that are out of stock with long lead times. Could you have a look at that list and suggest replacement components if possible. I have the boards, just need the components.
HNY and 73,
Mike AD5A
NanoVNA is a good option once you run through the menu a couple times. It takes 1-2 minutes to change bands and check SWR. It will also show instant feedback to changes made to antenna.
I’ve learned with my Mountain-Toppers/TrailFriendly End-Fed Half-wave if the setup is generally the same (sloper far end 20’ above ground) SWR is pretty consistent. When checking SWR If 40m is good - 20m will be good also.
can you please specify the components with availability issues?
73 de Martin, DK3IT
Hi Barry. Here is a photo of the tinySWR built into an MTR5B, upper left. Also built it into my MTR3. - Fred KT5X / WS0TA
Here is the Mouser project list link, https://www.mouser.com/ProjectManager/ProjectDetail.aspx?AccessID=7968437adc
The components out of stock are:
Resistor - SMD 820 OHM 1/8 watt
Zener Diode 3.3V 600 ohm
Metal Oxide Resistor 100 ohms
73 and HNY,
Mike AD5A
Hello, colleagues =)
I want to build TinySWR indicator on prototype board. I have FT23-43 cores, but them looks very small and hard to wind in my case.
Also I have FT-50-43. It seems like I am able just replace small core with bigger one without changing number of turns.
Is this assumption correct?
Yes, 73 Chris
There is another option
73 Armin
Hello again DR OP
I am building TinySWR by my own (without kit).
I gathered almost all parts except D1 and D2.
It would be great if you suggest DIP mount alternatives or SMD for D1 and D2 because I am not able to find these parts.
Thank you in advance!
If you want to build the indicator with non-SMD components, you can always use the original design by Hans Steinort (DF3OS) from
The TinySWR circuit is based on that design, with improvements from Dieter Engels (DJ6TE) and Hannes Hiller (DL9SCO).
I only changed the values of certain components, modified the LED array, and designed a SMD PCB so that it is easier to assemble.
Hope that helps.
73 de Martin, DK3IT
Thank you, Martin
This helped a lot.
Now it is clear for me that it’s a regular zener diode with voltage 3.3V.
In original version it was 2.7V (2V7).
Sorry for stupid question.
I think I start with original version with two led SWR indicators.
The last question,
Probably someone has better knowledge =)
Why line voltage indicator was moved from “hot” line to secondery winding of current transformer?
I have compiled a list of the parts at Reichelt: