Ukraine SOTA activation

Just worked my first Ukraine SOTA station, for some time.

It was Andjri, UW8SM/P on UT/CA-321. I was not aware that they were permitted to operate at the present time.

Andrew, G0LWU


Not sure of the legal situation Andrew, but in the wider arena of amateur radio outside SOTA I hear plenty of Ukrainian stations on the air.

73 Phil


I have also been chased by stations from ukraine over and over again in the last few weeks…

why not…!

73 Armin


Anecdotally I have also noticed a number of Ukrainian stations over the last couple of months. Mostly on FT-8 but have also heard a few on SSB.

I’m unsure of the current legal position for radio amateurs in Ukraine but I personally take the view that it’s down to the individual to comply with their licence conditions. It’s between them & the authorities of the country in which they are operating if they don’t.

As much as I don’t condone breaking any rules (I don’t know if that is the case) I have no legal authority to enforce any licensing regulations in Ukraine & I’m not about to become a “self-appointed band policeman”.

I personally choose to turn a blind eye & not ask any questions.

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Last Wednesday, I have been chased while activating in W1 area by UW8SM, it’s very rare to have such a far DX station in the log, it’s always appreciated. He was weak but took his time to complete the exchange.

Thanks Andrij.


I have also been chased by Ukrainians. My understanding is that amateur radio was banned for an initial period of 30 days when the Russians invaded but that ban is no longer in force although a quick google doesn’t find any confirmation of the legal status.


It’s always a big pleasure for me to hear Andrew, UW8SM on the band especially S2S and see the video about one of his activation. It’s nice to see, that his familly is with him on the summit.
73 and best wishes to and for the Ukraine


Thanks for QSO Andrew! The ban was lifted on March 24.


Thanks for the qso Andjri !

73 And IW0HK

Hi Andrij,

Thanks for the QSO, the SOTA points as well as confirmation of the status of Amateur Radio in Ukraine.

Hope you and your family are well and in good spirits !




Very nice to see some normality in Ukraine, I’m sure SOTA is a very very welcome distraction to the troubles.

Kind regards, Mark.