UK Parking Spots SATnav File

Some here will recall my SOTA parking spot file. This covers virtually all G and GW summits and some GM summits. The file is in Tomtom PoI ov2 format. I have not hosted it for ages but while doing a web upgrade I have found a place for it!

It’s a very handy file that allows you to drive directly to a suitable parking spot for each summit. It’s advisable to check the suggested location before using it as the file is some years old. Also you may not want to do the approach route that I did.

I don’t have it in other formats but there is software on the web that should allow you to convert it for most SatNavs.

Download it from the new download page at:

73 Richard G3CWI

In reply to G3CWI:

Good one Richard. The ov2 file certainly helped me until I started to go “off piste” and activate summits that aren’t included in the file. Of course anyone using the file should check what it shows on their GPS and determine whether it will get them to where they want to be. Too late once you are on route. It is an easy job to convert UK grid references to Lat and Long for programming parking spots not covered by the file.


  • other coordinate conversion sites are available! :slight_smile:

73, Gerald G4OIG

In reply to G3CWI:
I’ve used it a lot in the past, very useful.

Roger MW0IDX