
My plan was to try to activate two summits between the forecasted bad weather. I was fortunate that the thunderstorms never materialized, so all I had to deal with was some heavy fog. I started with W1/CR-014, Bare Mountain. It’s a short hike, but very steep. By the end of the day I was glad I had done that one first. I got my four contacts in 20 minutes. Next was W1/CR-004 Mount Norwottuck. The two are part of the same Mt. Holyoke Range State Park. As the crow flies the summits are about 1-1/4 miles. It took me 1-1/2 hours to travel down and up between them. The climb to Norwottock is longer, but easier. The first 80% of it could be made on a mountain bicycle. Had I done this one first, it would have been a breeze. I made seven contacts in 25 minutes. Hero of the day award goes to Ken, KB1HXO who I worked from both summits, and spotted me on the second. Thank you sir! No summit pictures, I was fogged in on both.

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