Two days, two activations.

I did Pendle Hill with my son yesterday, it was an opportunity to get out of the house. I activated with an MTR-2B on 30m. My son ended up answering lots of questions from hill goers, I think he did a good job of explaining what was going on! The pile up on 30m had just about died when it suddenly came back to life again, I think that I had been spotted on another system. I’d seen @G4TGJ 's alert for 30m from G/LD-022 and I’d purposely aligned my activation and radio choice to try for an S2S. I managed to get an S2S with Richard on my first try.

Today we went up Whernside, G/NP-004. I chose to try my 9v powered rigs, I figured that it might cut my activation time down, meaning my son didn’t have to wait around for so long.

My son loved seeing the Herdwick lambs at the base of Whernside.

It was surprisingly icy at the top, it made the fence look pretty though.

I made 9 QSOs in total with my two RockMites.

On the way back down I called into the barn at Philpin farm for a nosey and discovered that the barn has vending machines with snacks and hot drinks. The toilets were also available with an honesty box for donations. On previous occasions the barn has been shut during the winter months, but I think it’s awesome that it now appears to be available all year round. My son found it quite amusing that I bought a flapjack from the vending machine. I wanted to support the facility in a small way as I think that if you were doing the three peaks walk, you might be glad of a hot drink and use of the facilities.

Vending machines at Philpin Farm.

73, Colin


Nice pictures Colin. Number 4 is vy nice! And tnx for the QSO.

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thanks for giving me an impression of your activation!

73, Ludwig

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