Two days for two first one activations

Hi ,
A great outing over two days with 3 summits including two first one activations; EA2/HU-054 Pic Gabiet and F/PO-088 Pic de Lourdes.

The peaks are near the Cirque de Gavarnie in the Hautes Pyrenees.

First day: Departure at 07:00 for a loop with 1300 meters of elevation gain over 15 km distance. A nice walk to the Col de la Bernatoire then pass over the ridges to reach the summit of Pic Gabiet. A very beautiful view of the peaks over 3000 meters located nearby.
First one activation done with 36 QSOs
Then descent to the pass and ascent of Pic Crabère, again activation with 61 QSOs and return to the car for recovery.
Many thank’s for chasers coming for both activations.
Many thank’s to Fabio @IK2LEY for both S2S

The next day: Departure at 6:30 am with the headlamp for a new one; the Pic de Lourdes with 12 km and 1000 meters of elevation gain.
First one Summit activation with 58 QSOs and of course the same chasers as the day before.

Always a pleasure to hear your voice in response to my call.

See you soon for a next first one activation.

Alain F5ODQ


Some pretty spectacular photos there Alain.

Thanks for your activations, Alain. S2S are always a pleasure with you!
73 Fabio

Once again bravo for these beautiful climbs and thank you for sharing your beautiful photos of the Pyrénées. See you soon for more adventures !
Thank you Alain.
73 Chris F4WBN

Hi Alain,
Wild pyrenees, nice photos. TNX for qso.
73 José

Hi Alain,

Beautiful activations and report as well.
Congratulations and thanks :muscle:

Memories from 2010 came back :wink:

73, Jarek

Hi Jarek,
Nice photo; you can see Gavarnie with the Refude des Sarradets and the 2 peaks over 3000 meters (La Tour and Le Casque ) that I climbed in 2006 (my first two 3000 meters)


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Hi Alain, thanks for sharing your great photos.

Geoff vk3sq