TURNIGY LiFePo4 Battery 4200mah 13.2v Chargeing

Can I use the Turnigy charger that I use for my Lipo’S which are 11.1v 3s
as I have the above battery, but the read out on the charger jumps from 11.1v to 14.8v will it be save to charge it at 14.8 or will I have to buy another charger.
Charger’s that I have are the B6AC80W and the TURNIGY ACCUCELL 6 the later say’s on the front that it will charge Lipo/Life 1-6s any advice on this before I start charging would be appreciated.


In reply to G0VWP:


In reply to MM0FMF:
Hmmm… that Andy fellow is so switched on…database, SOTA Cluster and now this!

73 Phil

In reply to G4OBK:
Thank you Andy for the manual I didn’t get one with mine so will give it a good read before doing anything, and yes Phil he is so switched on if it was not for guy’s like him and you we would be lost hi hi ok hanks again Andy off for a good read now.


In reply to G0VWP:


Here’s one in use http://www.worldwidedx.com/hf-bands-hf-rigs/143215-ultimate-portable-power-elecraft-kx3.html

Neil 2M0NCM

In reply to MM0FMF:

Thanks again Andy all charged up and ready to go, there was some good videos as well, thanks to everyone.


In reply to G0VWP:
I use a 20c Zippy 5000 4 cel Lipo for my KX3. 2 diodes ( in serie-1N5401) and i worked four summits with 12 watt hihi. (170 QSO’s).
The balance charcer i use is a B6SAC.
No more AA’s?
The 5000 Zippy is not necessary. I used the battery for my IC-706MKllG (10 to 50 watt)

See the picture on QRZ PA0SKP for details


In reply to G0VWP:
See the picture on QRZ PA0SKP for details