Trip to EA4/EA3

I’ll be flying to Madrid next week for the CQWW DX SSB contest.
Then my girlfriend and I will spend five days in the city. On November 4 we take the train to Barcelona. We will be there until the 13th.
I’d love to fit in a summit or two and plan to bring some HF gear and an HT.
Any recommendations of summits north of Madrid, like MD-020, that appear to be easier to access?

While in Barcelona I’ll have more time to dedicate to operating.
Is anyone in the area planning on activating for the Trans-Atlantic event on November 5?
Would you like to do a joint activation?

Mil gracias de antemano,
David N6AN (


I lived 18 years in Barcelona and last 3 activating sotas. Feel free ro send private message and I will explain a lot of sotas.

Actually I am living in the north of Spain, Asturias


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Hello David
You are welcome to Madrid!!! I live 47 km south of the capital city , very far from Madrid’s summits but perhaps close enough to Northern Toledo summits ( not as tall as northern madrid summits). Let me know once in Madrid…

73 de Rick EA4M

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Hello David,

I am glad you plan this visit to Spain, what a surprise to have you here after so many chases in the last days…
Sure you’ll enjoy tthe CQ WW contest from the EU point of ear, hi!

I hope some friend in EA will support you with some activation. It’s a pity I’m too far from Madrid / Barcelona. Anyway, ask if you need any advise.

Have a nice trip and have fun.
73 Ignacio

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I visited EA3 a few years ago. Daniel @EA3HP was incredibly kind and helped me conduct my first ever Spanish activation. A subsequent return to the same areas you’re planning was unfortunately cancelled due to COVID. Enjoy your visit

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Hi David,
EA4/MD-020 Cerro San Pedro, has a short but (1 Km. aprox.) steep access.
As an intermediate, I would recommend EA4/MD-056 Cabeza Mediana, slightly far from Madrid city, longer access (abt. 4 Kms.) but good track to summit.
If you can get to Sierra Norte, there are more interesting SOTA to activate. WX seems to improve this week, so is a good chance to go there.
I live some 15 Kms. SW from the capital city, and I am retired, so have plenty of time to go for a joint activation if you like, please let me know.

73 Moises EA4MZ (moi2002 at

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Hi David,

So nice that you come to Barcelona!. Count on my son (Roger EA3M, I think you are already in contact with him) and me, to activate any references.

I have several options in mind in the Montseny area (~1h away from Barcelona by car) that I think can be interesting (apart from being iconic places as well), namely:

  • Turó de L’Home EA3/BC-008
  • Matagalls EA3/GI-016
  • Puig Drau EA3/BC-037

Or if you prefer to something closer to Barcelona, a very nice ~1h excursion can be La Mola EA3/BC-048.

Let me know if you would be interested in joining any of these.

Ramon EA3AVV

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The nearest Barcelona city is Tibidabo, you can do it walking from the hotel.

Also Castell de Montjuic It could be a good sota&tourist point, of course walking from hotel too.


Thank you all for your responses!
I have been in contact with a number of hams now and am very excited about visiting Spain.
The last several days have been a whirlwind of preparation and dealing with all the tasks that pop up. Whew!
My earliest activation opportunity will most likely be Thursday, 3/11, in EA4. Then after 5/11 in the EA3 area.
I hope to hear many of you on the air.
David N6AN


Hope you can do a summit or a few when you’re there Dave. And what call will you be using in the contest?
I’ll be looking for you if I can find you in the pileups !

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ED1R is the callsign we will be using in the multi-two category.

73, David N6AN

OK. I worked ED1R 3 times, but didn’t recognize your voice! Now onto better things, hope I can hear you from a summit ! It’s been pretty slim pickins on DX summits so far this fall.

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Today I had the pleasure of meeting in person and accompanying David to activate EA4/TO-046.

A few weeks ago I was chasing him, from W6/CT-225…and now…
We never know what is to come. The world is a handkerchief!!

David, gracias amigo

73 de EA4R Alfonso

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Hi dear Alf,
Thanks for joining David; as you said it’s crazy that you chased him from the West coast a few days ago and now you are here activating with him !!
Yes, it’s a small world.

Good luck in EA3 in the next days David, and thanks for the qso today.
73 de Ignacio

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Hello, All.

I had a wonderful time today in Toledo with Alfonso, EA4R.
My first action of the day was to miss the train departing from Madrid even though I was in the staion on time. But I couldn’t figure out where to go. The next train was 2. 5 hours later.
By the time I arrived in Toledo the rain had stopped and the timing was perfect. Alfonso drove to the trailhead and we hiked up. The view is marvelous from EA4/TO-046. The 10th century ruins nearby add a deep sense of history.
I managed 53 QSOs including one S2S with LA1ENA/P. Ignacio EA2BD, called in as did others I have worked from the USA. It was thrilling to hear so many different countries calling me!
The setup was a KX3 running 5 watts and my 44’ doublet fed with a single CAT5 twisted pair. Alfonso’s 20’ collapsing pole supported the antenna. WX1S was loud on 18 MHz and K8LJG was also worked on 28 MHz. RBN spots were encouraging.
Here is a shot of Alfonso and me on the summit. He also took several photos of me operating. I need to find them in my phone and upload them to my computer to share them.
It was a beautiful, blustery day, giving a perfect sense of autumn.
I met a radio brother today. Thank you, Alfonso!
73, David N6AN

EA4_TO-046 RBN Spots


I hope you heard me say hello while you worked Siggi, EA4/TF3CW. But that was before the contest.
David N6AN

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Thank you for chasing, Ignacio.
And thank you for teaching me how to manage my wire and support lines. I am a convert!
Yes, it is wonderful to be able to meet the person behind the key or microphone. I didn’t know until October 12th that I would be visiting Madrid.
David N6AN


Ah yes, Dave I did hear you say hello when Siggi was on 10
meters before the contest. Europe has not been coming in on 10
much since the contest, either. Darn it.

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Well, today (Saturday the 5th) around 15:00 hour I heard WB2FUV and others working you on 15M but couldn’t pull you out. Darn it. The European chasers were not very strong, either. Had to leave for several hours. We’ll see how things go tomorrow morning (afternoon your time).

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