Trevenque EA7/GR-013

Hi everyone
Yesterday only 45 qso, many problems with my EndFed, when I repaired it was 12:30 UTC. Then 13:15 , QRT by dense fog, the descent is very dangerous by ice and loose stone.




Hi José:
45 QSOs is a really good number of contacts. A very successful activation!
I saw your spot on 40m CW and went to the frequency, but I unfortunately couldn’t copy you at that time. I hope to copy you next time.


Espero que estés recuperado totalmente.
Para estar a las 9 UTC en la cumbre son pocos, en 40m estuve muy poco tiempo, solo 4 qso. Nos asustĂł la niebla y desmontamos. En este pico si te sales de la vĂ­a correcta puedes acabar en otro valle o lo que es peor en una pared de las de ni palante ni patras. Encima habĂ­a tramos de hielo que no esperabamos y no llevabamos crampones.
Un abrazo

Good job done Jose, that is a lot of QSOs from your activation. I wasn’t able to work you on phone as condx yesterday were poor south into EU, but was delighted when you moved over to 20m CW and allowed me the bonus QSO.

Also a FB youtube video too with very good sound volume.

73 Phil