"Trekking Pole Antenna" & Birthday on Monte Orsello I/AB-321

Saturday was my birthday and the best way to celebrate was to go up to the mountains the next day :slight_smile: And so with Guido we left for Abruzzo and chose Monte Orsello I/AB-312 (2043 meters high) a mountain which I have already activated several times and for this reason we decided to change the route. We chose the North side where the ridge leading to the summit is more complex and where thanks to the exposure there was much more snow than on the classic climb from the South side.

It is an easy climb if there is no snow… but which becomes more complex with the cold and snow, fortunately the temperature was good. In about 2 and a quarter hours we reached the summit where we found an icy wind and Guido “forced” me to do a quick Sota activation because it was too cold :slight_smile:
And so instead of mounting the usual fishing rod and the HWEF line I decided to place a trekking pole on the summit cross and pull a wire connected to the 9:1 balun and to my Elecraft KX3 and start calling on 20 meters.

Result 14 QSOs and 1 S2S with a piece of wire pulled low too :slight_smile:
Once we had dismantled the radio station we went back down to finally go and get a nice beer to celebrate my birthday in the right way!

73 de IW0HK Andrea


Belated Happy Birthday Andrea.

Very nice report and great pics. Thanks for sharing.

73 Marek

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Thanks Marek !!

73 And IW0HK

Hello Andrea,

Happy Birthday to you. Landscape and weather are fine. Thanks for the pictures and the report.

73 Ludwig

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Thanks Ludwig !

73 And IW0HK

Nice photos OM!

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