Trans-Atlantic s2s on 28 MHz Saturday

Many thanks to Alex, F/DL2GWZ/p, and Javier, EA2GM/p, for the Trans-Atlantic s2s CW QSOs Saturday on the 28 MHz band. Unfortunately, I could not hear the EU activators on 14 MHz from lowly W2/EH-021 !! If possible, EU activators please check 21 MHz and 28 MHz bands for possible s2s activity to USA during this solar cycle.

Always a thrill to cross the ocean for SOTA.

Stay well & 73!
Mike, WB2FUV


Nice one Mike! Can you tell us what equipment you were using?

It would be great if more chasers and activators could get on the higher bands this year. QRP summit to summits are very possible on SSB. An EFHW would do the job but a specific antenna for the band would be even better.


Yesterday afternoon, when I was active on DM/BW-293 with the callsign DL20SOTA/P, I also heard you well on 28.038 MHz.

Unfortunately my signal was too weak to be heard by you.

VA2EO on 28.0391 was still clearly stronger… but unfortunately he did not hear me either…

…but there is something going on soon! :wink:

73 Armin


On the 28th of October last year I worked KQ4AEO on 28Mhz SSB. I could barely hear him on my 40m long OCF-dipole, which is not realy suited for 10M, but we made the contact and I was thrilled aswell!




Nice one Mike! It’s only happened a couple of times for me so far, but it’s always a “punch the air” moment when I make it across the pond during an activation.

Hope you have many more!

73, Matthew M0JSB


Thanks for the s2s Mike @WB2FUV !

I am absolutely agree with you Mike, with the SFI close to 180 it´s time to give a try in 10m.The conditions yesterday were quite good in the higher bands, but only in 15m I had a nice run with NA chasers.
Thanks also to @WC1N (Robert) and @VA2EO (Eric) for the greats s2s.
The antenna used in 28 Mhz was a vertical dipole for 10m + ft-817, and the s2s with Robert in 24Mhz was made with a EFHW (21m long) into a 9:1.

Best 73!!


Thank you for the report, sorry that I missed you. Looking forward to our next opportunity.

Yesterday I was using FT-818ND at 5 watts to 40M EFHW inverted vee with apex at 25 feet and legs N-S.
Mike, WB2FUV



I agree heartily. 15, 12 and 10 meters have ever improving propagation. (The SFI may crack the 200 barrier in the next week.) I am hearing many beacons between 28.150 to 28.300. More NCDXF beacons are audible. LW2DO, LU1MAW and EC8ADS are becoming 10 meter log regulars as are several Europeans. (You know who you are!) I had a short ragchew with ZL2AGY on 12 cw with consistent S5 signals. V51MA heard me on 15 SSB.
I am running 5 watts and a 44’ or 66’ doublet inverted vee fed with a single CAT5 twisted pair. The KX3 tuner does the matching.
If your radio has a tuner try getting a match with whatever you have in the air. You may be pleasantly surprised.

It was a thrill to share an S2S with you from EA3/BC-086 on November 5!
I am looking forward to making S2S QSOs from W6 with stations on different continents.

72, David N6AN