Trans-Atlantic QSO Party - 5th November 2022 (Part 2)

I was curious to work with so many active SOTA station around at the same time. From Wednesday to Friday the forecast was a little bit better each day. My plan was to reach DM/TH-012 around 13 z. For some reason I was there short before 14 z and QRV 14:15 z, started with my vertical EFHW for 20 m.

Until 15 z 27 contacts came in the log, all Europe, 8 S2S to 6 different references. Then I switched to my 6 m vertical for different bands. 5 more contacts on 15 m in 26 Minutes, 2 S2S and 1 DX (K8, not S2S). Calling 10 Minutes on 10 m brought nothing. I heard some station, but the most with weak signals. Changing to 20 m again brought me 5 QSO , 3 S2S from Europe.

For the last hour my body was shaking despite my winter clothing. Sorry for some special CW. So I packed up 16:15 z, ¾ hour after sunset. Maybe I missed the best period for DX?

50 Minutes after sunset

I needed my head torch to find all my bits and pieces and to pass a small wood on the first part of the way. Some minutes after 18 z I was back in my home town.

All in all 37 contacts (13 with G, GI, GM, GW), 1 DX, 13 S2S - not half bad. Thanks to all the activators and chasers!

73, Ludwig