'Tracer' batteries

Bit of a strange one this.
I have a ‘Tracer’ brand 8ah battery which was last charged up after an activation about 5-6 weeks back.
Went to check it last night, and although all the LEDS lit when pressing the button, it decided that it would charge up again.
Out on G/WB-004 this morning, all was fine until I was extolling the virues of said item (local QSO, 2M FM @ 10W or so…) the rig powered off half way through the QSO. Pressing the ‘fuel meter’ button, no LEDS lit. Unplugged the rig, plugged it back in again, and the 2 red LEDS lit.repeated the procedure again, everything worked fine again (and for the next hour or so.
Only thing I could think of would be short-circuit or over discharge protection, but using only 10W? I did briefly have the power up to 80W SSB earlier to complete a QSO with VK8GM, but the rest of the time it was around 20-30W, never had a problem with the battery with this usage before.
Anyway, apologies to the other party when I was talking to myself for a couple of minutes (no different to most of the time :wink: ) and thanks to everyone who did manage to get through, especially the aforementioned VK8GM, and VK5PAS for hanging in there :slight_smile:


Using 80W might be taking the battery towards its max continuous discharge rate (8A), but 10W (even on FM) I would have thought should be fine.

Having said that I found (with my 10AH) after around 5 hours use with my FT-817 on 2.5W setting for the 1st Backpackers a few weeks ago the radio did not like the drop in volts when I tried to change to 5W after the contest even for SSB use.

Stewart G0LGS

In reply to M0HCU:

RF in the control circuitry?

I agree about the 80W bit, as I said, used for only about 2 minutes, and then dropped back down again to around 20-30W SSB. It was about 30 minutes after this that the issue occurred.
RF in the control circuitry is a possibility, although it’s the one and only time that it’s happened.
Only other thing was, it was sunny, and warm, for a change, and the case of the battery was quite warm, since I just had it lying on the grass. I wasn’t ‘hot’ though, although inside the case it may well have ben.

Guess I’ll have to keep an eye on it.


Edit: Actually, thinking about it, being close to the radar on Titterstone Clee, I did have more noise than I’d experienced before (but bizarrely, only in my earpice when transmitting… sounded like a fly buzzing past every 10-15 seconds or so…) So maybe it was RF from the radar station, rather than the rig?