TODAY is QRP day!!

June 17

QRP Day will be held on June 17 to assist other Societies with the promotion and development of QRP."
Originally proposed by IARU Region 3 (Asia / Oceania) in September 1997 but it seems accepted everywhere in the meantime - here is a GQRP member station (I think) in Northern Ireland:

73 Ed.


Every day is QRP day.


When I got back into A.R. in 1990 after almost two decades of absence [living overseas or too busy with job, family, etc], I was a strict QRP (portable only) operator for ~27 years, first on VHF with a FT290, then with a series of HF CW QRP monobanders and finally my FT817. But since I got my beloved KX2 ~7 years ago, I’ve lightened up a bit and am happy to run 10W into my compromised portable antennas without thinking I’ve violated the spirit of low-power operating.

I love the challenge of low-power (CW) operation and how small/lightweight my rucksack can be.


When I returned to Germany in 2014, I only had my FT817ND and I can still remember the thrill of running 5w SSB on 20m to a dipole and talking with friends in Australia and the UK from DL summits early in the morning with freezing temperatures adding to the challenge.

With a low man-made noise level and good ears, it’s amazing what is possible with QRP!

73 Ed.



Although I operate using a Xiegu G90 with a whopping 20W, I do feel very QRPish when hearing e.g. CX8TC to whom I responded unsuccessfully yesterday when activating HB/VD-048. Later, he told another OM that he uses about 1.5 - 2 kW.
I received him at S3, at these power levels and a generous amount of handwaving, he’d hear me at S0.

73 de Martin / HB9GVW


I thought every day was QRP day for SOTA operations!
We chasers have long hairy ears, didn’t you know that? But we keep trying.
Keep on CQing and hope for the best! If you give us a weak report when
we chasers are running 500 watts or a KW and a beam, you can imagine how
weak you are coming our way… This is what makes it a fun challenge.
73, John, K6YK