Today is my 150th Sota activation: Monte Morbaro I/AB-062

I just found out that today is my 150th Sota activation! I am very happy and I want to share it with you!

The destination was a new one never activated, Monte Morbano I/AB-062 (1628 mt. high), a beautiful peak in Abruzzo. To reach it I first traveled 1 and a half hour on the motorway from Rome and then 5 km “off road” on a “white” road using my new car which performed well (a Dacia Duster).

And then the simple climb of 50 minutes (3 km) towards Monte Morbano where I installed my station (Elecraft Kx3 and EFHW antenna) and made 39 QSOs with 4 P2P.

A beautiful mountain day, perhaps too hot for December

The valley was beautiful today, I was alone all day, I didn’t meet anyone, in a sort of unique magic. The perfect day for the 150th activation !

73 de IW0HK Andrea


Congrats Andrea, it was a pleasure to work you despite weak condx.

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The unique magic of SOTA is what makes me come back for more! Thanks for taking us with you on your 150th activation, and congratulations on the achievement. :clap::clap::clap:

With compliments of the season! :christmas_tree::christmas_tree::christmas_tree:

Matthew M0JSB

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Thank you Carlo, was a pleasure also for me ! I have to use 40 meter band more often !

73 And HK

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Congratulations Andrea !
A pleasure to work you today.

73 and Happy New Year 2024 !

Well done Andrea! Next stop MG!
73 Fabio

Hi Andrea,

Congratulations :exclamation:

Many thanks for S2S QSO with SP/BZ-062 on my 62 Birthday today :exclamation:

Happy New Year :champagne:

73, Jarek


Thank Jan for the qso !

73 And HK

Thanks Jared for the S2S ! and Happy BirthDay !

73 And HK

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Thanks Matthews !

73 And HK

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Complimenti Andrea! Peccato che non riesca a collegarti sempre. Continua così
73 e Buon Anno!

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