To chasers that today may have been listening for

I/VE-301… unfortunately I didn’t managed to climb on top: still too much snow along the trail, and on the road also. I had to park the car 2h walk before the planned starting parking lot; then I walked 1/2h on the trail but the snow was more or less slush so it was too hard for me to continue… and the top was about 1h and 1/2 ahead… I decided that this activation had to be postponed!
Some pictures:

In reply to IT9PWM:
Hello Sandro,
Sorry for that… But in Winter that’s the risk hiiii !!! (Aaahhh it’s the spring !!! :slight_smile: )
So… “be safe” that’s the first aim… And the more important.
Have good time
Best wishes to all

In reply to F5UBH:
Hi Sandro,
You did well…to go back in good health.
I’am sure you get that one in the future.
Best luck from Gerald F6HBI