Three new Super Shack Sloths

N7AMA, ND0C and KK1W all just passed the 10K chaser point level making them Super Shack Sloths. Congrats to all three. It takes a lot of time sitting in front of the radio to achieve this level plus great operating skills. Good job to all.

Gary A. - W0MNA

I’ve known Tom, N7AMA, for years…he has always been a bit of a Sloth…Hi Hi. Now he can prove he is a Super Sloth. Good job Tom. Thanks for all of the QSO’s and your help while I have been out activating!

Congrats to all of the new Sloths! Without Chasers Activators are just lonely people sitting out in the middle of nowhere questioning their sanity.



In reply to WA7JTM:
even WITH chasers that question comes up often :wink:

…as always - thanks all chasers - Super Sloths are almost guaranteed contacts - great job guys!!!

73 Rick WB0USI

In reply to WB0USI:
Many thanks to all. The sanity question comes up for spending that much time in front of a radio also.

73 Tom N7AMA

Congratulations guys! And thanks for all the contacts.


Mike - ke5akl

In reply to W0MNA:
I am not surprised… great job guys and thanks for all the contacts.


Congratulations to all three of you!!!
Martha W0ERI

Specifically…without chasers, Activators are just strange people hikers find sitting on mountain tops, seemingly talking to themselves, and who appear to be waiting for the Mother Ship to touch down near the designated landing site… which is usually marked by a fishing pole and some wire.

When I told one fellow, who stumbled upon me up on a very hot Sonoran Desert Peak, that my mast was actually a fishing pole he simply said “Well, good luck with that!” He left quickly.



In reply to WA7JTM:
Now I understand why I get along with Pete so well. We are mutual travelers!

73 Tom N7AMA

In reply to WA7JTM:

Yup, great chasin’ guys! And congrats…a lot of time and attention! We activators certainly thank you…always a pleasure to work familiar calls!

I once was asked “What was I doing” …by a bunch of ladies out on a hike in the Adirondacks.

“Tracking eagles”, came my off-the-cuff reply. Her eyes were as big as saucers… worth every minute! There’s more to the story but I save it for an after-the-activation get-together.

Guy/n7un aka ns0ta

In reply to W0MNA:

Gary, et al,

Thanks to everybody for the kind words, and thanks to Frank, K0JQZ for putting me over the top last weekend. It really has been an enjoyable odyssey with so many activators to thank.

I am a dedicated QRP DXer and contester, but once I discovered SOTA four years ago, I became hopelessly addicted to this facet of the hobby. I find that I now would prefer to chase summits rather than DX, and while contesting, I usually keep an ear out for summits being activated.

As we all know, we chasers rely on the efforts of the activators to make the trek up the mountains to get the summits on the air. And of course, the chasers make the activators’ efforts worthwhile. A true symbiotic relationship!

As an occasional activator, when I escape from the flat lands of SW Minnesota, I can attest to the exhilaration of having a pile-up while on a summit! As if the beauty of being on a peak isn’t enough! What a rush! Just a week and a half ago my wife, daughter and I hiked up Chief Mountain in Colorado where I spent an hour talking to my friends across North America. Family, hiking to a great summit on a gorgeous day, and playing ham radio - it doesn’t get any better! (BTW - I overhead a dad explaining to his son that I was listening to signals from space.)

I’ve been asked to do a presentation next month at the annual Minnesota Wireless Association (MWA) meeting on QRP contesting. Somehow a slide touting the attributes of SOTA has mysteriously made its way into my PowerPoint presentation! After all, if it hadn’t been for a spot on the DX cluster for N6IZ activating Mt. Shasta four years ago, who knows how long it would have taken for me to stumble onto SOTA! So I want to do my little bit to help spread the word.

Thanks again to everybody. I really feel like a member of a big, warm family - all suffering from the same, hopeless addiction! But we can also serve as the support group for each other!

Now… on to 20,000!

Randy, ND0C

In reply to ND0C:

Congrats all for great achievements.

I am thinking about a 1KW 80meters AM crystal portable station for NA SOTA day transmitting so wide you wont need to spot us, should be fun, unless my doctor sends me inside for a couple months :wink:

In reply to N7AMA:

Tom, now that you’re SSS, you need to get out and get on some of those peaks like we did earlier this year. There are two 14ers that need to be on your activation list if you ever find yourself in Colorado. There is a KX3 and a homebrew vertical ready to go when you get here.

73 OM

In reply to W0MNA:

All are regulars in my logs (as are you Gary and your XYL Martha), congratulations guys!


Eric KU6J

Free SOTA Spot Monitor Software + RBNGate FAQ:

In reply to KU6J:
Want add my congratulations to Tom, Randy, and Jim for getting Super Sloth. Well Done! This is certainly one of the most FUN aspects of ham radio to pursue every day. A great bunch of folks! Nice to see other qrp’rs in the fold, but I have to say I have antenna envy after seeing Randys’ setup on QRZ. NICE… Again all the best to you. Keep an ear out for me. Rich, N4EX, is going to be in the W3 area in for a couple of days, and we are hoping to activate a 2 pointer nearby. 72 de Scotty KG3W

Well done you guys. Congrats and thanks for all the Qs.