Thoughts on 10m Challenge - Review

The year is almost over and I am thinking about it.

The SOTA year 2024 for me was determined by the 10m challenge. - And it was great fun!
Due to the sunspot maximum and the associated propagation conditions, this event was just right!

Of course, the 10m band is a fickle mistress… a diva that you can’t always rely on - and so not every activation resulted in a 10m QSO, especially since we had a phase with blackouts in early summer. Unfortunately, this was during the time I was on SOTA holiday and was travelling in DM/SR, LX, ON and in Northern F.

In general, traveling was a recipe for success in this challenge. Jürg @HB9BIN has shown that once again! His points haul is incredible… and I’m pretty sure if he had been more active in data modes… he could have broken the million point mark.

It quickly became clear that data modes would be a big factor in this challenge… and when I see the successes of Jérôme @F4IVI, it confirms that for me.
Jan @OK2PDT, who got into the challenge very late, was also very successful quickly. I would have liked him to have continued like that.
I’m not a fan of data modes… it’s somehow too impersonal for me… and so I mainly use CW and SSB. Actually, I almost only do CW… but I soon learned that the number of chasers here is very limited and I absolutely have to do SSB to get more points.

Unique Contacts x Unique Summits = Points … was the formula!

In addition to as many summits as possible, it was also important to contact as many unique callsigns as possible.
The number of active SOTA chasers is limited. And there is significantly less going on on 10m in Europe than in North America, for example.
So you have to persuade other OMs to have a QSO with the activator.
I tried this in contests with little success… very late in the year I got the advise (thanks Stephan @HB9EAJ) to register with POTA and if the summit is in a POTA area, to offer it accordingly. This created another new group of chasers… and I was heard much more often.

To be heard:
10m shines with great propagation conditions … but there is also strong QSB. Many chasers have interference on 10m - and even if they tune to my spotted QRG, it is not certain that they will hear me.
Here, of course, power helps. In the spring I was able to buy a small PA, which I modified a little and added a low-pass filter. With around 70 watts, the success rate was significantly higher than with the 7 watts that my KX2 usually does on 10m. I used it for around 20% of my activations.
The success of Herbert @OE9HRV, who feeds his Hentenna with 100 watts, also shows what output power means. The antenna is the icing on the cake.
I also worked with an oblong on around 20 activations. That does help. Most of the time it was too complicated for me, especially because I often made several summits in one day.
The standard antenna (also with PA) was the 40/20/15/10m Endfed (good for EU QSOs) and sometimes also (without PA) 5.80m Random Wire with 1:9 Unun … On 5B/CY-XXX I only had this one with me… and with a 5B callsign you are quite popular.

Where to be:
If you look at the logs of the stations from North America, I think it’s a shame that they weren’t more active. Especially in connection with POTA, they could have had great success.
Herbert @OE9HRV made many great QSOs on his vacation in the USA and showed what is possible there!
A DL call is not the most popular thing in the world… It’s worth trying to attract new QSO partners with HB0/… for example.

So - now the data can be uploaded for another week and then you can see who was successful and how…

The SOTA year was a very special one and the 10m band is in good shape. Perhaps it was precisely because of the 10m challenge that there were great QSOs… DX S2S… and there were many loyal DX chasers for me, e.g. from North America, PY or JA.

Many thanks to those responsible and the participants.

73 Armin


In my opinion, your personal assessment of the SOTA 10 m Challenge 2024 would also have applied quite well to the official SOTA 12 m Challenge (June 1, 2013 to May 31, 2014).

The persistent challenge virus that was noticeable 10 years ago also seems to have reappeared with renewed vigor this time, hi.
The most significant difference from back then is obviously the great progress and success of the data modes.

Even though I was able to achieve second place worldwide in the 12 m Challenge (2900 QSOs, 213 summits) with the KX3 in CW only (no PA, only wire antennas on a 10 m mast), this would not have attracted much attention in the 10 m Challenge …

In any case, seeing the very different propagation characteristics on the 10 m band over the year was very exciting even for me as a non-10 m Challenge participant.


Thanks to Armin DL6GCA for all the activities that have allowed many unique contacts for chasers over 10 meters.
Thanks also to all the activators around the world who made this Challenge a great success.
As a chaser I often changed my goals upwards throughout the year seeing that the average of 10 unique peaks per day was confirmed.
But it is true that the antenna of 8 elements on 10 meters with 15.5 dB gain and 300-500 watts made the difference.
Good luck with your personal goals and good health to all for 2025 !

73’s Chris F4WBN


What a year! What a challenge !!! So great.
Thanks to activators, the motivation was top high.
Thanks to chasers, a real pleasure to catch you!
Thanks to my wife and my kids who made most of the summits with me.
Thanks to @F4WBN for being always there in case of issue, spotting me, correcting and so on.
Thanks to @F6HBI , my mentor, friend and sota advisor!
Thanks to you Armin @DL6GCA , I tried to stay around your score, unfortunately, time did not permit me to keep the presure hi x3.
I had to keep distance with @N6AN ! Trying to protect my 4th place !
So, during one year, I used jpole home made antenna on a 10m spider beam, 50w average on ft891, and a 10m 50 ohm wires to lower hf issues and being able to be far from the mast when wind or rain.
The last thank you is for administrators! Thanks a million for this contest !!! We discovered other summits, we made so nice trecks … AMAZING year.
73 Jérôme F4IVI and happy new year !!!


Thanks Armin for interesting summary :exclamation:
It was fine play to take a part in this challenge which made activations more interesting.
Thank you especially for your S2S call from 5B on my birthday activation - it was good gift :+1:

Happy New Year :champagne:

73, Jarek


Dear all

Thanks Armin, so it’s time now to look back. One rush from January to December, and 2024 is over now - wow! Congrats to your good rank. I can imagine how much dedication that actually took.

I myself only took part in the challenge with my usual equipment: KX2, 10W, endfed designed for 20/40. My pointing finger in Friedrichshafen was: “Challenge the challenges!”, for serious reasons, but I couldn’t completely avoid it. My goal was to appear on the first screen page of the HB ranking of activators and chasers. I managed that well. My topic was more the many summits than the callsigns I worked, since the hikes are my medecine, not sitting there. I’ll have to see how others fared once the race is over. Recently retired, I had time on my hands. I wanted to have at least one 10 m contact at each summit. 140 activations, 119 with 10 m. I am satisfied!

73, Markus HB9DIZ


Writing as a modest SOTA CW op, I really enjoyed the challenge! It spurred me to buy and build a 5 band QMX (10m-20m) and 10 meter dipole. Balancing work and parental responsibilities with SOTA got me out 22 times this year (a personal record) which was good enough for 2,196 points. Congrats to the ops who earned crazy awesome numbers, to the chasers who found my weak sigs and to those who conceived and executed on the challenge. Thank you. I certainly had crazy awesome fun!

Happy New Year to all!


Well, lets just say that the 10M SOTA event kept me very busy this year.

I suspect that after a period of SOTA as usual, i will likely miss the constant action and the huge pile ups this event has afforded us in this challenge.

DX like we now see, will decline, and I will miss it for sure at some point…“Remember 2024 when 10 Meters was crazy open worldwide?” Great Times…

On the flip side I wont miss the extra weight of multiple batteries to power my station for many hours, and having to enter the large number of QSO’s into the database.

So this will be remembered by many as the best of times…to be relived and retold when the spots are gone and Ten Meters is dead.

So, lets enjoy the ride…the next cycle may not be as good…but then again, it could be even better…

Thanks everyone for a great ride!



Well that was a great ride!

For me, 2024 was the year for 10m. Without question, it is now my favourite band.

I only got my licence in November 2023 and after some encouragement from Ben @GW4BML while I was on a summit, I tried 10m just after the challenge started. I was on the summit of Fan Gyhirych G/GW-006 and I will never forget the sheer awesomeness to work @W6PNG Paul QRP on a summit in California - W6/SC-369. I was hooked.

I didn’t know CW, wasn’t aware of data modes and only had my reasonable priced Chinese radio… but I made a point of always working 10m on every summit.

In April I built a 1/4 wave vertical and took a trip to Gran Canaria. I did allot of SOTA in Gran Canaria and this helped boost my unique activators with all of Europe beyond my skip zone. This was a great time for 10m with some awesome conditions and some of my favourite activations of the year, including two unactivated peaks !

Gran Canaria on Montaña Lobas EA8/GC-014

Conditions cooled in the summer and I almost gave up on the challenge when I faced a number of activations without being able to get a single SSB contact. But conditions did improve in the Autumn.

Half way through the year I decided that I wanted to chase the G/UK score that Tom @M1EYP had set. He was a long way ahead and it was a stretch. But I wanted to push. In the end, to make solid progress I decided on more and sometimes smaller peaks, every weekend, more power to break through the pileups (I bought an FT 857 in the summer and used it frequently) and my trusty home made 1/4 vertical antenna on every activation. This antenna is great.

I needed to push when the weather was bad, and Shadow the SOTA spaniel put up with some awful conditions to get more and more peaks activated during the autumn and winter on 10m.

Shadow in full storm gear on Shining Tor G/SP-004 during Storm Bert

But what an immense amount of fun and pleasure. 10m bought reliable chasers and I owe a particular debt of gratitude all. Especially @GW0PLP Don, @F4WBN Chris, @EC8ADS Alfredo and Matt @W4GO who was always there to help me qualify on a peak I could not hang around or when conditions were poor! @GW0PLP and @F4WBN your 10m beams are awesome !

Oh and I cannot forget the many awesome Summits to Summits I had on 10m, particularly in the US. @WA7JTM I think we had a knack of being on summits at the same time quite a few times… was a pleasure.

Thank you all to the activators and chasers which made this 10m Challenge so much fun.

It was a blast!


NB: Many chasers missed out on peaks because I only did 10m. Apologies. 2025 I will fix this.


And you did it! Impressive work - well done!

I really enjoyed the Challenge. Racking up my 10m DXCC tally became my own focus as the year went on - it was an opportunity not to miss. I got to 106 DXCCs worked on 10m from SOTA activations in the year, including some proper DX and rare catches - and 86 S2S.

In total I made 2246 activator QSOs on 10m in the Challenge:

Mode QSOs
CW 589
FM 6
FT4 425
FT8 583
SSB 585
7X Algeria 1
CE9 Antarctica 1
V2 Antigua & Barbuda 1
LU Argentina 21
EK Armenia 1
VK Australia 2
OE Austria 16
4J Azerbaijan 1
CU Azores Islands 2
EA6 Balearic Islands 1
8P Barbados 1
EU Belarus 7
ON Belgium 3
V3 Belize 1
PJ4 Bonaire 2
E7 Bosnia-Hercegovina 8
PY Brazil 68
LZ Bulgaria 19
VE Canada 37
EA8 Canary Islands 58
D4 Cape Verde 2
ZF Cayman Islands 1
EA9 Ceuta & Melila 2
CE Chile 8
BY China 6
TK Corsica 3
SV9 Crete 4
9A Croatia 14
CO Cuba 1
PJ2 Curacao 1
5B Cyprus 11
ZC4 Cyprus SBA 1
OK Czech Republic 6
OZ Denmark 4
SV5 Dodecanese Islands 2
HI Dominican Republic 3
G England 249
ES Estonia 5
VP8 Falkland Islands 1
OH Finland 35
F France 20
FY French Guinea 1
4L Georgia 3
DL Germany 79
SV Greece 91
KH6 Hawaii 1
HA Hungary 14
TF Iceland 1
YB Indonesia 10
4X Israel 12
I Italy 72
JA Japan 24
JY Jordan 1
UN Kazakhstan 5
5Z Kenya 2
Z6 Kosovo 3
EX Kyrgyzstan 4
YL Latvia 4
OD Lebanon 5
LY Lithuania 7
5R Madagascar 2
CT3 Madeira Island 9
7Q Malawi 3
9H Malta 4
OJ0 Market Reef 1
FM Martinique 1
3B8 Mauritius 1
ER Moldova 4
3A Monaco 1
CN Morocco 1
PA Netherlands 9
FK New Caledonia 1
Z3 North Macedonia 4
GI Northern Ireland 2
LA Norway 6
DU Philippines 2
SP Poland 68
CT Portugal 25
KP4 Puerto Rico 8
A7 Qatar 1
FR Reunion 2
YO Romania 43
UA9 Russia (Asiatic) 39
RA Russia (European) 208
IS0 Sardinia 2
HZ Saudi Arabia 1
GM Scotland 4
YU Serbia 26
S5 Slovenia 11
OM Slovenia 6
ZS South Africa 12
HL South Korea 1
EA Spain 69
PJ5 St Eustatius 1
ZD7 St Helena 1
V4 St Kitts & Nevis 1
J6 St Lucia 1
J8 St Vincent 1
SM Sweden 4
HB Switzerland 20
TA Turkey 13
A6 UAE 2
UR Ukraine 85
CX Uruguay 6
KP2 US Virgin Islands 1
W USA 501
GW Wales 63

For me it wasn´t as I expected, but I had a lot of fun specially giving a chance to SSB and FT8-4.
I started to look at the complete list of “Activators” and I just realized that of the Top10 I have 5 in my log! With 3 we made S2S (N6AN, WA7JTM and OE9HRV) and one of the European beacons OK2PDT chased me many times like the old friend K9PM.
It’s a shame not to have done more activations in the afternoon and thus have more chances with Europe.
I enjoyed a lot this ¨Challenge¨ and thanks to all ¨Chasers¨ and ¨Activators¨
73 de JP3PPL


Indeed, my penultimate S2S of 2024 was, appropriately, on 10m CW with David @N6AN who was activating a summit in California, USA.

I’ve been licensed for nearly 24 years, and SOTAing for over 22 of those. But the buzz of making contact with a guy doing what I’m doing - on another continent - and I’m using 5 watts and a homemade aerial - is as fresh as ever!

My final S2S of the Challenge was groundwave into neighbouring Mid Wales, so those two contacts perfectly illustrated the two contrasting characteristics of the 10m band.


It was so much fun chasing the incredible volume of EU activations nearly every morning, we could hardly tear ourselves away from the shack and drive to a summit.

Was petrol unusually cheap in Europe during 2024? Does the EU have a law that mandates lifetime free replacement soles on hiking boots?

Seriously though, well done, Armin. Top level operating as always and thanks for many summits toward the chasing side of the Challenge and also quite a few call signs (portable prefixes counted as uniques).

Tim, despite being new to radio/SOTA, you activated like a pro. A pleasure to catch you on 10 m, summit after summit after summit.

As an aside, thanks to your and others’ photo reports, chasing UK summits has an extra dimension, in that I find myself imagining a view that is either spectacularly dramatic … or a solid wall of fog and mist.

Thanks to all 10 m activators for the Qs. I’ll have some observations and summary data from the chasing angle of the Challenge to share in a separate thread.
