Thomas @DL1HBT is currently travelling with Kai @DL3HAH in DM/BW and reached his first mountain goat today with the activation of Gespaltener Fels DM/BW-147.
20 activations since last Saturday, all of them in the beautiful DM/BW region, is an impressive figure. Keep up the good work and enjoy our great hobby! I’m looking forward to our next QSO
Hi folks! Just arrived back home from this 8-day hiking trip through DM/BW and found a lot of greetings and wishes honoring the achieveent of my first mountain goat… THANK YOU SO MUCH, I am as happy as can be
I am looking forward to working many of you in the future and - even more importantly - meeting one or the other in person. Im am proud to be part of this world-wide community! Cheers, Tom