Thomas DL1HBT Baaaahhhh


Thomas @DL1HBT is currently travelling with Kai @DL3HAH in DM/BW and reached his first mountain goat today with the activation of Gespaltener Fels DM/BW-147.

Congratulations on the milestone and welcome to the herd :goat::tada::+1:

Have fun with your hobby and see you soon again in a QSO.

73 Marcel DM3FAM


Congratulations to the MG Thomas ! :goat:

73, Jan

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Congratuations Thomas, well done! :goat:
73 Fabio

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Congrats Tom!
Shame on me i could not have a qso for this special event.
73 cu from summits.

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Congratulations Tom and wellcome to the herd.
73 José

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Congratulations Thomas :champagne: and thanks a lot for many QSOs :exclamation:

73, Jarek

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Congratulations Tom and thanks for all qsos (today also from Plettenberg with strong sigs on 10MHz).

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Zehr Gut, Tom! Congratulations, and welcome to the herd.

Andy, N4LAG

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Congratulations, Thomas! Noch viele super SOTA-Berge! :mountain_snow:

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Congrats on reaching Mountain Goat, Tom :tada: :partying_face: :balloon: :champagne: :goat:

20 activations since last Saturday, all of them in the beautiful DM/BW region, is an impressive figure. Keep up the good work and enjoy our great hobby! I’m looking forward to our next QSO :slight_smile:

73, Roman

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Great Tom !!

Always a pleasure find you in my log !!

73 And IW0HK

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Congrats Tom, erhalt dir Freude und Freunde - keep it going!

Vy 73 vom DIZ

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Herzlichen Glückwunsch Tom

Leider hattet ihr ja nicht das Traumwetter…:confused:

Aber ihr habt es durchgezogen… und es hat sich gelohnt :balloon::tada::four_leaf_clover:

Viele Grüße Armin