If they were using a venerable Liner 2 transceiver they’d be heard on 288, 432 and 576MHz as well. And many combinations of those frequencies as well :rofl:


I will be operating with my N.O.V. Callsign of GQ1JPV/M on Saturday now, as I have just downed the Paperwork from OFCOM. Just because I can I suppose, bit of fun if nowt else??



Just seen BBC Breakfast filming at the top of Pen-y-Fan. Surprised there wasn’t a fishing pole and a huddled activator in the background :wink:

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Mine went in the skip during the great Covid clearout of 2020.
(although I may still have the crystals for satellite frequencies).

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A TR-7010 is what I want for nostalgia reasons. Liner2: best place is in a museum or their components recycled :wink:

Good luck with your MG activation tomorrow, Ben & I hope the party goes well. I am up in GM land, so well out of range for 2m! If not out sightseeing etc tomorrow, I will set my hf gear, I might be lucky & catch someone.
73 John

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Thank you very much @G0MHF John - have a nice time in GM land, we may make the contact :slight_smile:

73, GW4BML. Ben

I’ve traded some Brownie points for a day pass, and alerted for Arderin EI/IE-019 on 40m. Hope to work Ben and some of the other Welsh summits, but all other callers welcome too :o)

(I might try 5.354 MHz USB too - the 80/60/40 dipole can be fun if its windy, though. The 40/30/20 is more manageable!)

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Hi @G4AZS Adrian, that’s great news. Fingers crossed 40m will be alive so we can make the qso :blush: have a nice activation!

73, GW4BML. Ben

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Turned out I was wrong and my confidence was misplaced. I worked Peter MW0PJE/P on Maesglase GW/NW-029 for S2S from Walton Hill G/CE-002 with the handheld, but, surprisingly no others from the GW event.

Perhaps it shouldn’t be a surprise. The wx was hideous at times and maybe some activations were cancelled, and any that did take place sensibly cut very short!

Nonetheless, I made plenty of contacts from my two summits with just the HT & RD - but sadly hardly anything into the GW event. Pleased to see that it looked like a great turnout at Ben’s despite the weather, and I trust he received lots of praise and appreciation, in person, for his brilliant appearance on BBC Countryfile. That would be totally well deserved.


Also being out of region I had the same problem [despite J-pole on 5m pole]. I managed only 3 GW S2S’s. I listened to two in GW/MW for ages, e.g. Ben GW4BML, hearing strong chasers having fun! but activator QSB signals were 0/0 to 4/2 and - Sod’s Law - always mid QSO during the peak. But some were strong, Mark 2W0HXP/P and Shane GW6WBS/P.


Thanks for the S2S, I was pleasantly surprised with that one given the distance. I was on a 4 pointer but I think most others were on 1/2 pointers.
Propogation on 2 m was interesting yesterday with some short lived lifts, after exchanging reports and locations one distant chaser spookily faded out into the QSB.

He was signing autographs.


Aircraft scatter.

That would be consistent with the weak-signal GW activators I was trying / managed in one case to work. They were going above and below my HT’s squelch level with periods of about 20s to a minute or so, which according to Wikipedia is the duration expected with aircraft scatter. I would have needed to turn the squelch threshold to zero to be more certain.

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Sorry we didn’t manage a S2S Tom. Many of the mid-Wales hills remained largely dry for the morning of Ben’s activation. I had a run of 10 back to back 2m S2S contacts, only separated by a good old natter to Frank @MW0OFA, 9 S2S in Wales and one to Alex @EI4JY on EI/IE-012.
It did get rather rainy during the BBQ but there can be few people more able to make the best of foul weather than Welsh SOTA activators.

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Good to get a few GW S2S from GW/NW-053 and also worked @EI4JY
WX was OK up the hill, some cloud further out and around but stayed dry for me.
Cheers all.


Sadly I missed to make contact with you Tom @M1EYP, there was something in the way of our path! Pete had a good take off on Maesglase, but it was still a good contact for you both!

We’ll organise another maybe SW get together in GW land next year, so hope you’ll be able to make that.

73, GW4BML. Ben

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Thank you very much for listening out Andy @G8CPZ, it was a pity the lift didn’t stay around enough to complete a qso. Never mind, definitely next time! I’ll be up in LD land September for your get together, so hope to meet up then if your there!

73, GW4BML. Ben


Great to make the S2S contact John @M0VAZ - the hills were alive in MW :slight_smile:

73, GW4BML. Ben


Good to get S2S as well. I think that might have been my first GW/MW contacts

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