The Rooster Crows from GW/SW-014 Mynydd Carn-y-Cefn

Today was going to be a relaxed and pleasant activation, after a busy week. There was even a decent weather forecast. I alerted for two easy summits GW/SW-014, Mynydd Carn-y-cefn and GW/SW-012, Coity Mountain, leaving enough time for a leisurely lunch at Fradd’s Kitchen in Abertillery.

I was on my way to the first summit when I received a call for help from a friend with water pouring from the light fitting in the ceiling. Three hours later, plumbing completed, I re-traced my route and made for Mynydd Carn-y-Cefn. The weather was foul. As I approached the summit the rain turned to snow. I parked up at West Monmouthshire Golf Club and asked if I could leave my car and take the path across their golf course. They were ever so friendly, but I could sense that they thought that I must be mad.

It is a fairly easy walk to the summit even in snow and it was rather pretty. I participate in SOTA for fun and strive to avoid hardship and suffering, so it should come as no surprise that I had brought a small shelter, my Helinox Ground Chair, a flask, and some Welsh cakes.

Once I had set-up camp and poured a cuppa, I started the activation with a pleasant run of 11 UK stations on 40m SSB, old friends and familiar voices.

The Rooster
I own two Roosters, one for the 40m QRP COA, and one for the FISTS club build. I love the Rooster. Paul at Kanga Kits made some really good design choices to produce a simple, budget radio, that works and is a pleasure to use: Crystal ladder band pass filter, 2w output, a pleasant sidetone, RIT, an audio amplifier with audio filtering, and a cute little enclosure all for under £40. Everyone should own at least one.

I am keen to be a good citizen and did not feel comfortable spotting on 7.030 MHz or 7.028 MHz so sought guidance from the FISTS reflector and was encouraged to give 7.028 MHz a go.

I posted my spot and thoroughly enjoyed working 5 stations including Nick, G4OOE; Ben, GW4BML; and Paul, M0CQE. I had done it. Qualification of a summit with my Rooster. I am sure that I could have worked more if I had kept calling but I didn’t want to spoil other folks fun on the FISTS COA.

10m SSB was heaving with contest stations, and I didn’t get any takers when I spotted. 10m CW was working well and gave 7 stations in 10 minutes of calling including: SV3IEG, W2WC, NT2A, HB9DDZ, F4WBN, and John 2W0ILQ just down the road in Newport.

Whilst drinking another cup of tea I noticed that it was now snowing quite heavily, visibility has closed in and my tracks had vanished. I was very grateful of my shelter whilst packing up. I double checked my route and started my decent. Thankfully the weather improved rapidly as I lost height.

It was still mid-afternoon, too late for lunch at the café, but I could probably have squeezed in a second summit before dusk. Maybe it shows a distinct lack of ambition, but I decided to leave Coity Mountain for another day.

Thanks to everyone who called in. I missed my lunch, abandoned my second summit, but helped a friend and had a lovely day.

73, Kevin


Well done Kevin, sorry we missed you today, we were at a radio rally today representing Worked All Britain, I would have loved to have worked you on the Rooster. The Yack looks interesting, never saw one before👌
Our activation of our summit in County Armagh was late afternoon, we enjoyed it, no snow thank goodness!


Kevin, many thanks for the activation report and photographs, excellent work. You did exactly the correct things the whole day. You ran your Activation very well indeed both SSB and CW. The Rooster with only 2W output was a solid 599 into Oldham. Many thanks my friend for the two QSO’s. 73de Paul M0CQE.

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The keyer is a Kanga Kits OSK Keyer Module that I put in a small enclosure. The reference to YACK , Yet Another CW Keyer, is to remind me the reference to the GitHub page with the instructions :rofl:


Hi Kevin

Nice one, thanks for the 40M QSO
We woke up to snow here in Hereford but it has gradually thawed during the day. When we did GW/SW-014 about 3 weeks ago it was cool and windy but wet rather than snowy !



Thanks Kevin, perfect information, you find all thee best wee projects :heart_eyes:


Thanks for an enjoyable report with atmospheric photos. Sounds like you had an enjoyable activation, and well done on the CW, both with the Rooster and on 10m!

This made me chuckle! What do you use for the your shelter?

73 and looking forward to a QSO soon.



The shelter in the photograph is a Decathlon Arpenza Beech Shelter. Credit goes to Neil @G0WPO who was using one when I met him on Y Garn. It’s a very simple shelter with just 2 poles and 3 pegs making it quick to erect and pack away. I have broken a pole a couple of times in very strong winds but it generally copes very well and costs just £16.99.

For a longer stay I use a DD Hammocks 3x3 tarp erected as a tarp tent.

For a short stay or if I think that I probably don’t need a shelter, I use a bothy bag.

I prefer activating without a shelter. Even with my shelter I managed to get water in my key yesterday.

73, Kevin


I love the title, I love the report, pictures look cold but amazing, and it was excellent to work you on 7-CW using your rooster! It was certainly crowing in the Mid-Wales direction :grinning: well done on achieving this, I know how much you’ve wanted to take it out :+1:

73, Ben


If only the Rooster could have crowed from Moel Gwy, GW/NW-053.