The hottest eleven days on 2m SSB in JA concluded

VUHF are ideal bands taking advantage of summit operation. My active band is 6m through my ham life, but 2m is attractive band in this month because ‘Marathon contest’ is held in Japan from November 10 to 20 on 2m SSB which is not necessarily active mode. This is the festive season and each QSO is normal style exchanging name and QTH.

So I moved to JA/OS-003, JA/WK-028, JA/KN-019 and made 12, 26, 17 QSOs respectively with home-brew twin-loop antenna and FT-817 or IC-202 during this time.

Yes, my 40 years IC-202 is still alive with mini-counter. 144.100 - 400 MHz is basically SSB band and we have no call frequency in Japan.

Twin-loop at JA/OS-003 :

IC-202 at JA/KN-019 :

73, Jun