The GW SOTA S2S and hog roast day June 2024 - PLEASE READ (Part 2)

Continuing the discussion from The GW SOTA S2S and hog roast day June 2024 - PLEASE READ (Part 1) - #100 by 2E0JWA.

Previous discussions:

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Having never been to the Hog Roast, should I assume itā€™s a bring-your-own drinks event? Should we bring glasses etc? Also who else is staying at the campsite and when are you arriving? I will be arriving Thursday afternoon (and leaving early on Sunday morning). Hoping to do a joint activation with Roger MW0IDX on Saturday if heā€™s up for that?


Hi Richard, Iā€™ll have tea and coffee on tap, but I usually advertise as bring your own drinks - itā€™s easy that way. Iā€™ll be giving the grass site another cut on Thursday night and putting the marqueeā€™s up if you fancy popping up :+1:


Might well do that! Cheers.


Hope to see you for a beer outside the caravan on Friday evening


Iā€™m not sure if it is tempting fate committing plans to paper (Well electrons to some sort of storage system somewhere) but so far Iā€™ve still got the weekend pass. (This year combines the kids doing GCSEā€™s , A-Levels and Finals so there is a bit of stress at homeā€¦). My Plan is to try Moel Fameu GW/NW-044 and Foel Fenlli GW/NW-051 on Friday, on the way down before spending the night at a small campsite at the bottom of Cadair Idris (GW/NW-009) . Even given my starting point on the Saturday Morning (Next to the main car park) I still donā€™t think Iā€™ll manage to activate quite as early as Ben did last year. Iā€™m hoping to concentrate on 40m and 2m but Iā€™ll also take 70cm (FM) with me as well.
After that the Hog Roast followed by a night in the next door campsite, and depending on the legs a hill on the way home (Cyrn-Y-Brain. GW/NW-043?)
There are two sets of weather forecasts Iā€™m keeping an eye on. The Troposphere seems to be settling on cold and windy which might limit my time at the summit (At the moment it is suggesting a feels like -1 temperature at 10AMā€¦). So it is looking less like shorts and more like a down jacket, Iā€™m hoping that the strong winds currently predicted somehow weaken as the models developā€¦ Meanwhile the Ionosphere is probably equally hard to predict with almost two whole days since a propagation wrecking X Flareā€¦ (2m might be very useful)
Looking forward to hopefully lots of S2S on Saturday and meeting at the Hog Roast later. Thanks again to Ben for organising this. 73. Paul (I will be in charge of the Spaniels too, and Iā€™ll try and keep Woody out of the QSOs) ( Grey Adria Twin camper with 2 dogsā€¦ booked, paid and confirmed for the Saturday nightā€¦)


Weā€™re staying at the campsite on Friday and Saturday n ights, or at least, I think we are - never had confirmation after transferring the money and no response to an email I sent a couple of days ago. I will 'phone them tomorrow if I havenā€™t heard anything by then.

Grey Weinsberg campervan.


Hi Paul, if the wx does turn on top of Cadair Idris, youā€™ve got a small stone hut where you can activate from. I used the outside of it last year, but you can go inside and leave your mast strapped to a post outside.

Iā€™ll be literally opposite you, about 4 miles as the crow flies, so thatā€™s your one contact :rofl:

Looking forward to seeing you Saturday :+1:

73, Ben


This was Feb 4, 2023 (MG #2 activation) using the shelter to strap my pole against and shield from the wind and rain. (Trig in the distance)

Many walkers used it to take a breather.

See you all Saturday.


This is my final post on the raffle:

Thursday 6th June will be the last day anyone who isnā€™t attending the Hog Roast can purchase a raffle ticket. So, if you would like one, two, three or even four strips :slight_smile: please follow the below instructions to purchase some. After 21:00 on Thursday 6th June, the online system will close, haha. Thanks all and 73, Ben



Again, this year we will be running a raffle to try and raise as much money as possible to help the running costs of SOTA, i.e websites ā€¦ servers etc.

So, for the activators and chasers who are unable to attend, and would like a ticket, it is Ā£5 a strip. This strip will get you 5 single tickets and a chance to win a good selection of prizes which relate to our hobby.

To date, I have a band hopper from SOTAbeams, a Wouxun 4m hand-held from Martin Lynch, a 40/20 EFHW from SAW and many goodies from Icom. Once I have received all prizes, I will put images up.

In the meantime, if you would like to purchase a strip (Ā£5) or maybe more :slightly_smiling_face: please send the money to my PayPal address with your call-sign in the reference box. Please make sure you send the funds as ā€˜Friends or Familyā€™ to the following PayPal address:

I will then mark your name down on the rear of the tickets. If anyone else would like to pay over PayPal who are attending the event, please feel free to do so, but make sure your call-sign is also in the reference box when transferring the funds.

SOTA is a great amateur radio hobby, so lets try and support the best we can :slightly_smiling_face:

Iā€™m really looking forward to meeting everyone on Saturday 8th June - letā€™s hope the weather is booked this year for the event!

If anyone that hasnā€™t paid, and wants to come, please let me know by PM or email using the address above - EVERYONE IS WELCOME! :slightly_smiling_face:

73, Ben GW4BML


LoRa tracker update.

  1. I have today tested my mobile LoRa igate - it works. Thus there will be an iGate at the campsite.
  2. A solar panel has arrived. This will be part of a covert digipeater covering the Hoggerland area.
  3. There are plans for a North Pennine LoRa iGate.

LoRa wireless trackers remain as cheap as (Kensington) chips: e.g


It looks like Iā€™m going to have to install my LoRa tracker on the old faithful defender 90 for Saturday then :see_no_evil: time to charge the battery.


Money sent for raffle tickets.


Funds winging their way to you Ben; for raffle tickets ā€¦


Received @G4TGJ @M0JKS - thank you very much. I will have your ticket numbers sent to you later. I have a few to do tonight :slight_smile:

Thank you very much!

73, Ben


Money for tickets set via Paypal yesterday Ben



The Hog Roast Special Event Station GB4HOG will be on the air Thurday afternoon to Saturday afternoon. Operating from the campsite; chasing on 2m FM and possibly on HF.


Youā€™ll have a great take off to the North and west from the campsite.


Feel free to use the field setup on Saturday morning chasing the hills on 2m FM. You should pretty much get everyone! Itā€™s 1000ft ASL in GW/MW :slight_smile: Iā€™ll show you on Thursday PM, if you come up.


Seems a pity not to use our new licensing ā€œpowersā€ to their full potentialā€¦.


Or some such