The GW SOTA S2S and hog roast day June 2024 - PLEASE READ (Part 1)

Unfortunately, I’ve not mastered CW but SSB telephony no problem.


I haven’t chosen any hills to activate yet but when I do I’ll try and find something with a view south west.

We can liaise closer to the time. :slight_smile:

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Funds received - thanks Ian :grinning::+1:

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Hi Alastair,

Sorry to hear that you can’t make the event - it will still be great to make a S2S contact with you! Looking forward to it :grinning: hope your enjoying down South.

Take care and 73,


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Hi Ben,

It’s 50/50 at the moment. I am due to visit the Motherland and this weekend is one of several being touted at the moment. Unfortunately, will only know in a few months time. In the meantime I did alert, just in case. At worst, I would try a S2S from a PA summit…

Robert, M0RWX


Funds sent for myself and Sue MW6SYL. Not sure if my daughters can make it this year.
Roger MW0IDX


Hi Alastair,

Myself and Peter (M1BZJ)will almost certainly be taking some vhf/uhf beams with us to wherever we decide to go. Wil make sure to point in your direction :slight_smile:

Nearer the time, might be worth arranging some sort of sked to give you the best chance of working the most summits on VHF/UHF. Would be nice to do some 2m SSB or even 70cm SSB and if arranged beforehand can do it vertically polarised to save on the faff of switching around :slight_smile:


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Hi Robert,

I will add you on the sheet as a maybe - no worries if you cannot make it. Would be great to see you though :slight_smile:

73, Ben

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Funds received - thank you :slight_smile:

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I’m definitely hoping to be out in the hills for the flurry of activations in the morning, but very doubtful I can escape for the full day to come for the hog roast - have 2 high dependency children so finding free time is difficult at the best of times.

Will transfer the money now though Ben on the off chance I can attend, but happy i’ll get a raffle entry and it’s a contribution to a good cause - everyone from the GW SOTA group I’ve had the pleasure of speaking to since I started last year have been so helpful and friendly (and non-GW SOTA folk also!).



Payment sent, looking forward to it!
Thanks Ben.

Adrian G4AZS


Funds received - thanks Mike :slight_smile:

Funds received thanks Adrian :slight_smile:

73, Ben

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You should have me and the XYL down as coming Ben. Payment made some time ago, Bryn GW4ZHI


All received - thanks Bryn :+1:

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Camp site just booked for the Friday and Saturday night. Planning to arrive Friday evening after work. Now time to plan some summits for Saturday and Sunday :thinking:


The campsite is very reasonable, £19 a night for hard standing and electric hook up for us. The Caravan Club are typically twice that!

PS: Don’t tell the site! :slight_smile:


That’s great news - looking forward to meeting you both.

73, Ben


I’ve provisionally alerted for G/WB-005 Long Mynd. I know its not Welsh (its close though :slight_smile: )

Mine and Peter’s general MO is to go long (since we don’t get out much) , full day activation (5 or 6 hours) with multi-mode, multi-band, multi-op with a little bit of power and the chosen summit is ideal for such style (short , not steep walk-in). I could be persuaded to change to a Welsh summit if anyone with local knowledge can suggest one that has a similar style of ascent.

Also, if anyone else wants to do the same summit on the same day, then feel free. Or just wander on up say hello and use our gear too if you like. If you let me know beforehand if there is any band/mode you want us to leave free then no problem. We wont be doing any CW from the summit so that is always free (lack of talent on our part :slight_smile: ).

Weather considerations will play a part in the above but will only know a few days beforehand. If bad wx forecasted expect all the above to change.



Not sure if this is the right place to post this but I’ve put down an alert for GW/NW-055 Foel Offrwm. Chosen partly because all the summits “local” to the event have already been bagged :slight_smile: but mainly because it has a good car park for our campervan. It’s a short but very steep walk to the summit by all accounts!


The path has been improved so is partially surfaced and zig-zags more than it used to so steepness is not really a problem.