It is a lady’s prerogative to change her mind!
Mrs PJZ is coming now. Additional £10 sent
I won’t be camping now!
It is a lady’s prerogative to change her mind!
Mrs PJZ is coming now. Additional £10 sent
I won’t be camping now!
Rick and Cathy in please, funds in transit
Hi Ben
I have sent you a tenner via PayPal.
Nick G4OOE
HI Ben
GW Hog Roast also booked, another tenner in the coffers Ben. Looking like there will be a good turnout.
73 Phil G4OBK
Hi Ben
Another tenner sent to cover Geoff M0PYG.
I’m in and hopefully this year we can make it and not have to cancel at the last minute as happened last year.
Mary (Welsh wife )
Funds received - thank you
Funds received - thank you
Funds received - thank you
[quote=“M5RJC, post:22, topic:34329”]
Rick and Cathy in please, funds in transi
Funds received - thank you
Funds received - thank you
Funds received - thank you
Funds received - thank you
Thank you very much all - looking forward to meeting you on the day!
73, Ben
Would be great to see you this year John - I have updated the post with a campsite very near to the venue.
73, Ben
Thank you, I seem to remember it’s within walking distance. Or more realistically our walking distance. Your comfortable distances may vary.
Hi Ben,
We’re in, Denis MW0CBC / GW8OQV and my parner Dawn. Just sent you the money from
Paid for us both - hope we get there this time!
Rod & Viki
Funds received - thank you
Funds received - thank you
Look forward to seeing you all there!
73, Ben
John G0MHF paid (hopefully!)
Funds received - thanks John
im coming, and paid waine mw3wrh
Funds received - thank you
Funds received - will email you early next week Waine - thank you
73, Ben
Hi Ben
I’d love to come but my access to Cymru has been severely curtailed by my exile from Wolverhampton to Cornwall. My local hill is now G/DC-007 so I will hope to set up on 2m FM (with yagi) and HF in order to join in via S2S. I have had a QSO on 2m FM with Plynlimon (GW/MW-001) from my home address in Cornwall, near St. Ives, so I am interested to see which other GW summits can be reached on 2m FM from the prominence of G/DC-007.
I’ll eat a Cornish pastie for you post activation!!
Alastair, M0TYM
Funds sent for myself and Peter M1BZJ
I’m planning to attend Ben’s event. I’ve activated (and qualified**) G/DC-007 using only VHF and UHF and would be interested in trying for a complete. Can you do SSB or CW? Otherwise, happy to try FM using a Yagi vertically.
** It was a struggle but 6m FT8 saved the day.