The Better Path - Mount Whitehorn VE6/HC-206

The better path.

Whitehorn Mountain VE6/HC-206 - 2621m (8,599ft), 6 points is on the front side of the Lake Louise Ski resort.

During the winter season you have two choices to make the 900m (3000ft) ascent.
Spend $85cdn for a day lift ticket to whisk you by gondola and T-bar to within 50m of the peak, Alternatively, and my choice was to make the ascent on alpine touring skis.
If you are doing an alpine ascent the ski hill rules insist that you do this out of bounds and duck back inbounds at the top T-bar, a short 50m from the peak. This can be done by following informal trails (Monkey Trees & Maintenance gully),

All things went well for me today (I even remembered my SD card). It took me 3 hrs to make the first 750m but a further hour of boot packing on a rocky ridge to make the final approach.
Setup took a further 20 minutes. I had hoped to do a self spot using my APRS HT complete with special code (SpotSMS/SpotAPRS Gateway Log). Unfortunately there were no digipeters within range :frowning:

It took 10 minutes to raise a response to my KX3 set to 5 watts, but it was an “in-Use” frequency, at the suggestion of Randal ND0C I moved “Down 3” 14.343 → 14.340.
This was a successful QSO and thanks to Randal spotting on SOTA-Watch, a further 8 QSO quickly followed.

Name Callsign Me You Time Distance km
Randal ND0C 44 56 2010 1096
GARY W0MNA 56 56 2012 2116
MARTHA W0ERI 56 56 2011 2116
PHILLIP NS7P 56 57 2013 986
THOMAS W7RV 54 58 2014 1262
EDGAR W1EU 56 58 2015 3385
RICHARD N4EX 46 58 2016 3422
Jean VE2JCW 55 57 2018 3118
Alan AI0Q 44 58 2020 1485

The overcast weather (-7ºC) did not inspire me to to go beyond a record shot (you can see the ski tow just behind me)