The Amazing Growth of North America SOTA

A quick look at my logs for November, showed just over 300 ssb contacts with North American chasers, mostly 12m!

These are numbers which I could only dream about a couple of years ago. Gone are the days when you punched the air if you managed a couple of NA chasers.

The speed at which SOTA grows worldwide is uncanny, with even VK contacts appearing to be almost routine into EU, recently.

73 Mike

In reply to 2E0YYY:

Maybe it’s something to do with the growth of SOTA but mainly it’s due to the antenna you use Mike.


Hey Mike Always good to work you on your SOTA trips on 12M
You can always count on W4DOW to try to get to you if I can.
I run 100W on a TS570S and the Eagle One Vertical and always does a good job for me . Thanks for the Many contacts and the Chaser Points from me here n W4V (Virginia USA) 73 & Tnx again
Dow (W4DOW)

In reply to W4DOW:

Cheers Dow.

Thanks for taking the time to spot me. It’s the spots that make an activation.

73 Mike