Thanks for the support, Pfander OE/VB-512 activati

Thanks for all the support for the first activation on 30m today. The weather held out ok and we managed 31 QSOs before the crowds built up. We also met OE7HPI and DL4VN so a nice social event. G3KAF - first QSO on the list.

Only one problem, the keying lead from the back of the Palm paddle failed, luckily UFO had a code cube with a spare lead, so with some butchery, we were back on track.

Thanks for the alert Tom!


Keith GW4OKT & David G3UFO

In reply to GW4OKT:

Good to hear you had a successful activation Keith. Hopefully the WX will hold and there’ll be some OK propagation on 20m tomorrow (Monday). I get to play with Edwin (HB9ZAP)'s KX3 as well so it will fun to see how it feels on an activation compared to my 817. I’ve checked the paddle works but I better find out how to set the CW RX bandwidth before we set off.


In reply to GW4OKT:

Hello Keith and David,
sorry for correction, it was not my friend Holger, OE7HPI but me, John OE7PHI.
Anyway a pleasant short talk with you both, nice to met you.
I really do hope for a SOTA contact in future, sometime somewhere.

73 good luck


In reply to OE7PHI:
Hi John, sorry about that, I even got Peter’s call wrong, it should be DL4NV !!! Nice to see you today, a very successful activation.


Keith & David

In reply to MM0FMF:
Good luck with the KX3, a nice bit of kit indeed. I believe it will be better on CW, l’ll be interested to hear your comparison! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the WX.



I only saw spots for you Keith - did David manage to get the summit qualified as well?

Now for logging all the QSOs on the SOTA Database!


In reply to M1EYP:
Hi Tom, alas, no, he decided to supervise!

