Thanks for "LSN S2S" on 10M CW today

Thanks to the home station(s) that heard me repeatedly calling K9PM/p for an s2s today during his pile-up on 10M CW. You sent “LSN S2S” strongly a few times to alert the other chasers. I heard you and Paul heard you — but unfortunately a handful of other chasers refused to yield and called on top of me. One EU chaser was sending his callsign 4-5 times each interval, sometimes over top of the activator !!!

Eventually, an hour later, we made the 10M CW s2s contact. I very much appreciate the courtesy shown by most SOTA operators, especially the ops today who tried to help me achieve summit-to-summit contacts.
Stay well & 73!
Mike, WB2FUV


Hi Mike

Nice photo - better than sitting on the cold snowy ground! I wonder who the EU baddie was long calling out of turn… either he/she couldn’t hear you or was just ignorant with no respect for the activator.

Some of the USA summits have great names don’t they?

In the 10m log yesterday a few notable ones:

Stissing Mountain (Your summit) @WB2FUV
Backyard Hill @K9PM/P
Owls Head Mountain (Late on at 1930z) @K2CPT (New 10m mult for me)

I cook the dinner in our house and we usually eat at around BBC News time - 1800z. With the 10m Challenge ongioing and the band open to USA every day that means frequent short visits into the shack to see whats cooking on 10 metres as well as what is cooking in the oven, under the grill or on the hob! You work some and you miss some!

Thank you for the many QSOs since 2020 - 41 recorded in my Logger, the first QSO was on 22/07/2020, and every one of them is in CW.

I’ve sold my Hexbeam and am using a dedicated 4 element Yagi on 10 meters. The wire antennae I have are covering the other HF bands for a while…

Phil G4OBK


Thank you for the S2S as well! de N6JFD/P