Thanks a lot! Juerg M/HB9BIN/p

Hi Juerg,

Many thanks again for your effort!
It was a welcome contribution to my uniques list.
What’s next?
Maybe your beloved wife would like to see some mäkis and vuoris? Whether or not, there are lots of lower and large OH-mountains waiting to become activated for the 1st time… :wink:

73 es gl,
Heinz HB9BCB

In reply to HB9BCB:
Dear SOTA-Chasers
From 4.4.-9.4.2013 I worked 13 summits in the area of Somerset (G/SC) and Devon/Cornwall (G/DC). I made 507 QSO with 233 different Calls. 8 were S2S-QSO with 2M0NCM/p, DG4ISJ/p, DH9MJ/p (GMA), HB9AFI/p, HB9BQU/p, MW6GWR/p and OK1DVM/p. I could work N4EX and W4ZV on 30 Meter which is tricky to do from HB.
My favourite mode is CW. Therefore I made 92.1% in CW and 7.9% in SSB! 98.2% were made with a FT-857D with 100 Watt and 1.8% with a FT-817 with 10 Watt and an Alex-Loop. Most of the QSO were made on 7 MHz with a 40-Meter dipole or on 30-Meter and 20-Meter with a Buddipole full size!
The most beautiful trip was the one to Brown Willy (G/DC-002) in the Bodmin Moor. Here I worked 9 QSO with a FT-817 with 10 Watt into an Alex-Loop. I could see the difference between 10 and 100 Watt. The wx was everything between sunny and rainy and warm and cold.
Special Thanks goes to Bill, G4WSB and Stephen, M6WSB for our meetings and all the hints how to get to the summits and to Mike, G6TUH for a special surprise on my birthday. Hamspirit still exists! A thank also goes to the rental car company, which gave us a brand new car, which we returned with lots of mud in and outside (hi)! No thanks to Helvetic Tour who cancelled the flight! I am still in Bristol!
To HB9BCB: On our next trip we fly to Inverness, Scotland (GM) from the 3.�10.8.2013.
Vy tks es 73 de HB9BIN, Juerg

In reply to HB9BIN_3:
Hi Juerg
auch wir hatten ein S2S-QSO. Nur war ich da nicht mehr auf dem SOTA-Berg DM/BM-115, sondern auf dem GMA-Hügel DA/BM-084 der zwar 49 m höher ist, aber keine SOTA-Weihen erhalten hat.
09.04.2013 1313 UTC 40m CW. Lustigerweise war ich auf der QRG gespottet auf der Du dann weitergefunkt hast, was dann wohl QSOs mit DIR als “DJ9MH/p” in dies oder jenes Log gebracht hat.

73 de dj9mh HAJO

In reply to DJ9MH:
Hallo Hajo
Danke für die Präzisierung. Ich habe den Text angepasst. Wie hiess dieser Berg? Gerne möchte ich noch den Bergnamen im Log nachtragen.
Ich dachte du seist QRT gegangen. Daher habe ich anschliessend auf der QRG cq gerufen. Falls ich dir die QRG geklaut habe, entschuldige ich mich!
73 es tnx für alle SOTA und GAMA-QSO’s!
HB9BIN, Jürg