Tete de Colonney F/AB-223

Apologies for the short activation of F/AB-223 this morning. It was a super and exciting ski up onto the summit with good snow for the ascent. Weather was good and sunny but once on the summit there was a bitterly cold wind. I think that the jetstream must be well south of us at present.

The large artistic triangular summit marker proved to be a good anchor for a EFHW although climbing up it in ski boots proved somewhat awkward. One of my skis secured the other end of the antenna.

Thanks to Dave Crookes for the photo of me setting up on the summit.

Thanks to Victor (GI4ONL) for spotting me. I was on air for only about 15 minutes on 14MHz metres as others in the group were getting cold and hypothermia is not the best way to start a steep and testing ski descent.

Skiing down on the north side of the peak was in excellent snow, although you probably didn’t want to know that!!!

Thanks to all of the chasers and I’ll try to do better in future.




That location looks awesome for an activation !
But I can’t begin to imagine how cold it would be in the wind.


Thanks Andy.

It was a splendid summit and I was able to dig a temporary shack in the snow on the leeward side of the top to maximise shelter from wind. I wish every activation was as striking as views of Mont Blanc, Mont Maudit, Mont Blanc de Tacul and The Aiguille Verte were excellent.