Testing results: FT65 vs FT-70d vs TDH3 vs UVK5; RH770 vs Flowerpot.

Just in case any of you are out and about this Sunday (13th October), I’ll be testing (as per the title). Weather permitting, I’ll be on G/DC-001 (High Willhays). :crossed_fingers:

I’m keen on this summit so that I can test the front ends of my UV-K5 vs FT-65 vs FT-70.

Previously, with a flowerpot antenna, I had QRM in the region of S5/S6 on this summit which made the Quangsheng rather deaf.

Keen to see how all these radios perform at the same summit on the same day, as well as my newly acquired RH-770. The Sotabeams band pass filter will get tested too.

I’ll spot myself on here for the activation, but will most likely be on 145.425 from 12:00 UTC until I get cold. M7MFS will be chairing the net from Tiverton and loves a SOTA contact so please pop in and say hello.


Sorry I shall be completely out of range - in Norfolk with, apparently, absolutely no hills to stand on. (I only work from SOTA summits).
When we visited 2 years ago I used my trusty dipole but hiding in the rocks from the steady wind. I managed my 4 on 2m in less than 10 mins but it took a further 45 mins to get 4 on 70cm (and another 4 on 2m). Good luck and I look forward to reading the results of your testing. I don’t recall having to use the filter but can’t reach my notes at present.
73 Viki


I only worked 2m last time. Using a very cheap radio, there were a few issues.

Flowerpot with squelch off:

People could hear me, but I couldn’t hear their responses. Members of the Holsworthy club (MX0OMC), saved the day since they were within a reasonable distance using reasonable power…

I managed a few other marginal contacts by listening on another cheap radio sporting a rubber duck (less desensitised), but it was a right faff.

Only later, I realised the source of misery - a radio antenna on top of Yes Tor. If I went slightly lower, out of line of sight, I might have had a better experience.

Edit - ignore the text in italics above. More on this below


After a lovely day on the moor, activating G/DC-001 (and a bonus 100 mile S2S with @G4TCU); I experimented with different radios/antennas on the summit and here’s what I have learned:

First of all, there is a lot of QRM on this summit. That said, with a decent radio you needn’t worry. I can’t say whether the QRM is consistent (ie whether it went up and down throughout the afternoon), but it was certainly there. It turns out that the radio mast on Yes Tor is only in use during MOD exercise - so it is coming from elsewhere.

When I first arrived, with the squelch off, I was reading QRM in the S5/S6 region on the FT-70d. Worried about my activation, I used my Sotabeams band pass filter which took it down to S1. Despite attenuation of TX & RX signals, I managed to activate the summit, having a S2S QSO with G4TCU on G-WB-008. I found out later that I needn’t have used the band pass filter.

Another bonus, I managed to QSO with M7PHG on GB-0008 (POTA), whom I could not communicate with the last time I was on this summit.


There were various hams dotted around the South West for our Sunday afternoon net, but I settled on a station located at Woodbury Common who was static, using 25w on a mobile rig. All tests were conducted on 2m, apart from test 6 which was done on 2m and 70cm.

No filters were used for the test, and all radios had squelch set to S1. All radios were tested using the same equipment, apart from the FT-70d which needed a different SMA to BNC adaptor.

  • 1- Quangsheng UVK5 + Flowerpot = Overwhelmed. S meter was all over the place, station not readable. 60% of the time it was silent. Tiny bits of his over came through but not nearly enough to communicate. Out of interest, I put the Yaesu’s rubber duck on the Quangsheng and I was able to receive the station 53. A good option if your radio is overwhelmed, but you might not receive distant/weak stations.

  • 2- Tidradio H3 + Flowerpot = Overwhelmed. I could not read the S meter due to its colour screen in sunlight, but again the station was not readable. 75% of the time it was silent. Hardly anything heard from his over.

  • 3- Yaesu FT-65 + Flowerpot = Excellent. Broadcast quality, 59 and nothing strange happened. I’d be very happy to recommend this radio for SOTA. This will be my go to radio for activations (see point 4 below).

  • 4- Yaesu FT-70d + Flowerpot = Excellent. Broadcast quality, 59. I spent over one hour on this radio, and I did hear the occasional bit of intermod, but it didn’t interrupt RX. Had I spent longer on the FT-65, I might have noticed the same so I won’t deduct points… but the FT-70d’s battery life is where I will deduct points.

  • 5- Flowerpot vs Diamond RH770: I performed this test on the FT-65. I lowered the flowerpot to a height similar to what the RH770 would be at, and compared the two. Reports from more distant stations were that my flowerpot gave me slightly better TX, and I had slightly better RX. Only after the test, I noticed that by moving the flowerpot out of the way, I improved my RX slightly. It could be that I was too close to the flowerpot whilst making comparisons. More testing needed here, to give you more detailed S meter information.

  • 6- Diamond RH770 vs SRH771: I performed this test at a different location using the FT-65+RH770, and the FT-70d+SRH771. The RH770 was significantly better than the SRH771. The benefit was most pronounced on 2m. This makes sense, because I know that the SRH771 does better on 70cm than 2m. Whilst not as pronounced on 70cm the RH770 was still a lot better for TX and RX. Again, I will follow this up with S meter information, and I will take the time to use the same radio next time.

I wanted to do more testing, but I was getting rather cold. More to follow as I alluded to above.

For now, based on my observations, my SOTA kit will consist of:
1- FT65 as my main radio.
2- Flowerpot as my main antenna, especially because I can put it on a mast.
3- FT-70d as my backup radio.
4- RH770 as my second antenna - for use when I want something quick and easy to deploy.


Thank you for that thorough investigation. Lots of useful information there.


Hi Omar,

Great to see you out today, sorry I missed you. I was on my summits later today (GW/SW-025, GW/SW-027) and focused on 10m. Shame as a great view across to exmoor so it would have been possible.

Yes I agree with results. Yeasu FT-65 is a great little radio. I have its smaller brother, the FT-4x as my main SOTA kit along with a slim Jim.



Thank you Andy.

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Hi Tim,

Yes, it’s a shame we didn’t get another S2S - to be fair, I didn’t spend too long activating & scanning… I went straight to rag chewing on the net, and testing.

I still haven’t learned from our outing… must bring a hot drink! :joy:

Hope to see you on a summit again. :+1:


I have a 6m flowerpot but not one for 2m. I’ve used a RH770 hundreds of times and a J-pole on a 6m or 3m pole less often and sometimes on the same activation. Not much detectable difference. The extra height helps as was shown on a joint activation with M0NOM. We had a A vs B comparison with Mark hearing and working more dx stations with his slim Jim on a big pole than me with a RH770. More here …


Thanks for that.

I agree that the RH770 is very good - managed to work a station near Glastonbury whilst I was packing up.

The fact that it works well on both 2m and 70cm is even better. Being on search & rescue duty this weekend, I’ll most certainly be bringing it with me (our local Raynet repeaters use 70cm).

Very easy to deploy and carry. :ok_hand:


Hi Omar

I’ve been singing the praises of the FT-65 and RH770 for ages so I agree 100% with your findings
But it will still get overwhelmed on the tougher summits RFI-wise, for example G/WB-002 or G/CE-004, so do carry that filter !
