Testing a new radio rig on Monte Cava I/LZ-200 with Luca IK0FYL

Hello Om,
It’s been about two years that I want to buy a new radio to do portable HF activities, for Sota and in general to be able to make hf traffice anywhere. It took me a long time to choose what to buy, in the end I sold an Elecraft K3 that I no longer used and I bought a used Elecraft Kx3 from a radio amateur from Rome. After using it on a small “low” Sota activation in the hill near Roma I wanted to try it on a “real” mountain. Together with Luca IZ0FLY we have chosen Monte Cava, a peak of 2000 meters. in the Campo Felice area, about an hour’s drive from Rome.

The climb is long and difficult, in all we walked about 14 km with an ascent of over 1200 meters together with three other friends. At the top I was able to test my Kx3 well, the propagation was not the best but I was able to do 18 qso, with two s2s with @OE5JKL and @LB4FH and finally have an SSB qso with Fabio @IK2LEY for the first time!
I used the usual longwire antenna held upright by a 6m fishing rod, this time connected directly to the K3x without a tuner or balun. I am very satisfied with the purchase and a wonderful day in the mountains and Sota !

Here are some photos of the day:


Thanks for the S2S :slight_smile:

1 Like

Good radio the KX3. Had mine since 2012.
Nice story.
vk5cz Ian …


The KX3 is a phenomenal radio! It’ll serve you well on summits and even in the shack.

Gorgeous photos from Monte Cava! Thanks for sharing.
