Telnet cluster

Hi Everyone,
I am new to this reflector and the only thread that I could find on this subject dated back to October and is marked closed, hence starting a new topic.

Is there a telnet cluster that provides the spots and information shown in SOTA Watch, I ask because I am one of the developers of log4OM and having just added SOTA support for our logbook software it would be nice if our DX cluster could collect spots from SOTA watch.

This would enable a click on the spot to change the rigs frequency and mode to match the spot while also entering the call sign into the QSO entry window.

An address and port number would really be appreciated.

73 Terry G4POP

In reply to G4POP:

It may be closed but you can still read it!

Look down near the end of the thread, 31 October.

However you should really read it all to familiarise yourself with the current status.

Not that I use it … :wink:


In reply to G4POP:

An address and port number would really be appreciated.

73 Terry G4POP

Hi Terry,

The vitals (at this point in time) are and port 7300

73, pat - KI4SVM

In reply to KI4SVM:

Thanks to both of you for the fast response I will try that in the morning

73 Terry G4POP

In reply to G4POP:

GI0HWO… turn down your keep alive rate.


In reply to MM0FMF:

GI0HWO can’t do that we need to change the parameters in the software, I will ask lele to attend to that immediately.

What rate do you prefer?

73 Terry G4POP
log4OM Development Team

In reply to G4POP:

I’d prefer you to have read the thread properly which suggested some rates. I’d have prefered you and your chum to have approached the MT and stated your aims and wishes for your program and we could have told you what was and wasn’t feasible and the best way to achieve them whilst playing nicely with everyone else using the SOTA services. As it is, it looks like The Chuckle Brothers have taken up programming and I’m in the middle wondering where the next custard pie is coming from.

TCP connections will stay alive forever. The only purpose of additional keep alive packets is to ensure all the tat that sits in the channel between the client and server knows the connection hasn’t died (home routers, firewalls, NSA spying boxes etc.) The keep alive rate should be adjustable by the user with your program setting some minimum rates so that it doesn’t become riddiculous. Once a minute is taking the proverbial. Once every 15minutes is probably about right.


In reply to G4POP:
Thanks Terry for the post on the Telnet Cluster and also log4OM. I just downloaded the log4OM and manual and I am looking at it very close and I Like what I see, I been using HRD and N3FJP for a long time and Also Love the Rig Control using my Kenwoods TS570S & TS590S I am also a SoTA Chaser here in W4V and very interested now in the log4OM program as you might add SOTA to the software and would be great to use it as rig control on sota spots. A real big help ,
Thanks Dow
W4DOW #1 SOTA Chaser in W4V (Virginia USA)

In reply to W4DOW:
Hi Dow,
We have instigated the SOTA fields but I will not proceed with the telnet cluster support after the extremely rude comments by the other respondent on this thread.

I shall now leave you all to it and not return for more abuse.

Terry G4POP

In reply to G4POP:
It would appear that rudeness is a common trait amongst the powers that be on SOTA.

I asked a simple question re awards earlier today an received very curt and rude responses.

I’m not bothering with SOTA if this is their attitude.
