Talk to a local Radio Society

Hi all, I’ve been approached to do a talk to one of my local radio societies on Mountain Rescue and I happened to mention I was a participant in the SOTA programme. They would like to me to talk about that too.

I’m happy to do this, but I am not sure what the “form” is on this. Does the SOTA MT like to keep this to a set format or even keep talks to a group of “accredited” presenters. Don’t want to step on anyone’s toes.

If I can do it myself then I’d be happy to do so, but if you have a few slides I could use (or even customise) then I’d be happy to use them.

It’s July 18th in Colwyn Bay.


In reply to 2W0GDA:

Hi Gerald,

Presentations for you (or anyone else) to use at:

Just search for “Summits on the Air”.

2 presentations. One is the main explanation of what SOTA is all about, the other is an update of developments and achievements in the programme over the last 2 years. (I will need to update this one with some newer associations soon).

If you want to edit anything, then you should be able to do this and save it in your own area. Note that the presentations as they stand run from the website, so a good internet connection is needed. For offline presentation, there is the facility to download and turn it into a Flash file. This was what I did for the 2012 RSGB Convention.

Thank you for your efforts in promoting the programme.

73, Tom M1EYP

In reply to M1EYP:
Thanks Tom!

I will certainly use some or all of this.
