Svalbard (JW) SOTA DX-pedition 5-8 August 2021

Great to get a S2S with you today on 20m. Seems I was lucky both with the skip and the weather window at my end. Couldn’t hear you on 17m.

73 Simon

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I climbed up mt Poieto I/LO-234 for the occasion,I didn’t stop not even in front of a dark cloud… but there was no way in 20 and also in 17mt, I heard only some chasers.
I started to call on 20cw I qsy on 40ssb fro one s2s and I turned on 20ssb for the last calls.
the bands was afflicted by strong qsb.
I will try tomorrow from home!
Many thanks Luris and Mikhail
Good adventure!

We are just back to hotel thanks for the efforts and QSOs. You are amazing! Report will come later!


Oh boy, that was a challenging activation :). I heard you many many (did I mentioned many ? :smiley: ) times actually and was replaying with 44 slowly and patiently with no avail, apparently :)), until I finally heard your clear confirmation eventually. Thanks for chasing me !


Dear Mikhail @LB8CG,
Thank you very much for having chased me today on 20m CW during my evening SOTA activation of EA2/NV-151. I assume you were not on SOTA because you didn’t mention S2S or a SOTA Reference, but anyway you made my day!
My setup: 14m long endfed sloper to a 9:1 unun and a 5m long counterpoise wire hung from a 7m telescopic fishing rod.

My rigs were FT-817ND at 5W, MFJ-941B antenna tuner and Palm Mini Paddle.
Battery LiFePo4 4S2P.

I’d like to see a picture of your setup and the area where you were when you chased me.



My pleasure, Guru! You have chased me for so many times that I had to do something special for you :upside_down_face:. Yes, we were in a rented JW5E shack and had a proper chasing position. With two elements yagi on 20m and ic-7300, I ran 100W. Hope to meet you S2S again soon from LA, we are leaving home tomorrow!

73 from Arctic :cold_face: :slightly_smiling_face:!


FYI, Polar Bear populations are growing, not shrinking. Here is a link to the 2020 report, but feel free to check the facts for yourself.


@ LB1RH:
I heard you many times- but I did not understand a word. I got sometimes a single word- but nothing what made any sense. The QRM from the adjoining frequencies was very intense. There was a contest going and the frequency was only clear when nobody shouted. On top of that your signal suffered from deep QSB. The QRM and the QSB killed your signal most of the time. Well- we made it finally- after at least trying for 30 minutes or so.
Great SOTA DX-pedition. Many thanks again!


Yeah, it was tough. JW/MS-087 summit is narrow and “spiky”, there was little space for 2 antennas. After spotting myself, I initially made just 2 QSOs, and then all signals got drowned in QSB. And it did not help that there was contest on 20m… Tried 40m for a while, with nobody coming back to my call. Back to 20m, I was calling CQ non-stop for what felt like forever, before conditions improved. Made just 15 QSOs - quite a difference from 32 on JW/MS-051 or 69 on JW/MS-007. So yeah, it was tough, but that’s part of the “game” :).

I fixed the log Mario, thanks for the message!


yes, thank you very much for the QSO, that was easy actually, it was very nice signal